Yixiang cooperated with Yun Ying's words very much, and immediately transformed into words one by one, telling Old Pharmacist Zhu about the Qi of Chaos again.

It's a pity that it was all in vain, old pharmacist Zhu couldn't understand Qing Lingwen at all, so he could only look at Yunying blankly.

Yunying smiled and said, "She's telling you about the Qi of Primal Chaos."

While staring at Yixiang's text, she translated the content for Old Pharmacist Zhu.

"Between the heaven and the earth, all living beings, whether sentient or not, have the aura of chaos. The aura of chaos is the original aura. It evolves into various mysterious auras called the aura of heaven and earth, and they flow together to form three thousand worlds. .”

Big and small three thousand worlds?

When Yunying translated to this point, she also paused: "Three thousand worlds? Isn't there only five worlds for spirits, demons, demons and people?"

The world they are currently in is still called the mortal world by the local monks. After the monks ascend, they will ascend to the four worlds of spirits, demons, demons, and ghosts due to the different skills they have learned.

This is the common sense that Liu Changqing told her when she just entered the immortal sect, so she will not remember it wrong.

The old pharmacist Zhu was also surprised: "I thought that there might be other worlds, but I didn't expect there to be so many worlds."

Seeing that the two of them didn't understand, Yixiang showed the text to Yunying. Yunying translated it word by word: "In addition to spirits, demons, demons, ghosts and this chaotic world, there is also a big world called Douyu , it is said to be an ancient battlefield. Of course, it is still a battlefield today. These six big worlds each occupy the largest space, but in addition there are many fragmented small worlds, which are collectively called the small chaotic world, because it is too large. It is scattered like the star sand of the Ganges River, so it is also called the small world of star sand."

"Chaos Realm? Exclusive Realm? Xingsha Small World?" Old Pharmacist Zhu had lived such an old age, and this was the first time he had heard such a complete list of titles.

Mengying only knew the news from the inheritance memory, and she couldn't explain clearly how they were divided and how they evolved into the current pattern, but it was enough to open the eyes of old pharmacist Zhu.

The Three Thousand Worlds is just a digression, the Qi of Chaos is what the two want to know.

But it's a pity that Yixiang doesn't know where the energy of chaos comes from. She only knows that only with at least a ray of energy of chaos in her body can she use it to transform into form. The stronger the fit, the higher the potential in practice.

Yunying then said to the old pharmacist Zhu: "Is what I absorbed from my blood the so-called Primal Chaos Qi?"

"It's very possible." The old pharmacist was rarely serious, and told Yunying, "Don't spread this matter, I'm afraid it will cause turmoil."

Of course Yun Ying knew that this was not a simple practice of staying away from being changed, but that once he realized the existence of the Qi of Chaos and realized that he could plunder the Qi of Chaos from others, it was hard to guarantee that no one with ulterior motives would kill people to extract the Qi of Chaos.

Right now, no one knows the existence of Primal Chaos, isn't there still a lot of righteous cultivators and evil cultivators exploiting other monks openly and secretly?

I wish the old pharmacist let Yunying absorb the blood of the second-order dharma body that she had collected before. Yunying saw the blood and her heart moved. She no longer cut her fingers to melt them into her body as before, but directly used Xuan The power of tolerance grabs the power of the legal body in it.

Sure enough, as long as there is blood communication, everything becomes extremely easy.

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