The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 461 Stepping into Calculation

After Li Shi left, Qin Feng returned Kong Mingshui to Yunying: "Aying, your gift is too expensive, uncle can't accept it."

Yunying shook her head and smiled: "No matter how precious something is, it can only be used in front of those who need it. I don't need this empty water yet, but my uncle needs it very urgently. Naturally, it can only be found on my uncle. Only then can it be truly valuable.”

Qin Feng couldn't stop turning the jade bottle, and only pinched it with his fingertips, but he squeezed it very hard.

With this Kong Mingshui, he can get rid of the inner demons that have trapped him for many years, and the future that has been almost considered hopeless for many years can finally see the hope of continuing again.

It is not easy to firmly push away such a powerful temptation.

But if I accept it, then I will treat Ah Ying...

He couldn't help but look up at Yunying's eyebrows. Between her elegant eyebrows, Qin Feng saw his elder sister Qin Yao's appearance back then. The elder sister's talent was not top-notch, but she always had a kind of gentle and powerful power that made people feel awe. Seeing her smile, I let go of all distracting thoughts in my heart, thinking that everything still has a chance to be redeemed.

Qin Feng lowered his head and sighed: "Aying, uncle is sorry for you after all."

Yunying shook her head: "How could Uncle feel sorry for me?"

Right now, uncle is stepping into my scheme.

I have already driven your husband and wife apart, and I will eventually make you drift away from the only daughter who was once the apple of your eye.

So uncle, there is nothing to feel guilty about. I have made up for those things in the past bit by bit.

Feng Jing turned her head to look at Yun Ying, stunned for a while.

Did he hear what Yun Ying was saying just now?

Yunying looked at him, with the expression of facing Qin Feng.

It was obviously a smile, but it made people feel creepy.

Feng Jing was sure now, it was definitely not his own illusion just now, he indeed heard Yun Ying's inner voice inexplicably.He was also sure that Qin Feng was really disturbed by the inner demon, otherwise, he wouldn't feel Yunying's creepy expression at all.

Yun Ying saw her own smiling face in Feng Jing's astonished eyes, and gradually suppressed the smile on the corners of her mouth, but she couldn't contain the turbulent black clouds.

After all, she is still an ordinary person, after all, she can't let go of those who bullied her in the past, after all, she can't remain calm at this time...

After all, she is not strong enough.

Feng Jing suddenly took her hand and squeezed her palm, Yun Ying closed her eyes, turned her head to Qin Feng, and when she opened her eyes again, all the black clouds in them had been covered up.

Qin Feng was completely immersed in his longing for Kong Mingshui and guilt for Yunying, he didn't notice the actions of the two, he just twirled the jade bottle repeatedly.

"I still... can't..."

"Uncle accept it, otherwise it will look like I'm at odds with my nephew." Yunying knew how to show weakness, "Uncle should think about it for me, uncle is the only relative in this world who is connected with me by flesh and blood, If Uncle is trapped by the demons, then the demons will not be able to make further progress, and I will disappear in the world early, and I will be completely alone, Uncle, don't let Ah Ying fall into such a miserable situation, okay?"

Qin Feng was shocked when he heard this, and took Kong Mingshui away: "Okay, okay! Ah Ying, don't worry, uncle won't leave you alone!"

Yunying's heartstrings loosened, and she said with a smile: "Then, uncle can go about his own business, Ah Ying will go to visit the grave by himself, and then return to the sect, with Senior Brother Feng accompanying me, everything will be safe and smooth."

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