The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 476 Brothers and Sisters

Zhuo Yanjia was taken aback by his sudden movement: "What are you doing?"

Feng Jing didn't care about him, and just leaned out of the window: "A Lin! A Lin! Go and help me find the information about the Yun family!"

Ah Lin moved very quickly, and it took only a quarter of an hour to send the materials over.

Feng Jing quickly flipped through the pages, and Zhuo Yanjia also squeezed over to look at it like a crowd: "Is this Yun family the family from which Junior Sister Yun came from?"

Feng Jing nodded absent-mindedly, and murmured: "Most of the evil cultivators who did it came from the Styx Sect, but the Styx Sect is just a small sect, how could they cross the Kelan Desert for no reason, and they have no grievances at all to kill one of them What about the Yun Family who have no grudges?"

"Maybe the Yun family has some family heirloom, and the evil cultivators happened to find out about it." Zhuo Yanjia said casually, "This kind of thing is not very common."

Feng Jing shook her head: "No, things won't be that simple."

He recalled Yunying's special dharma body, recalling the senior consciousness placed in Yunying's dantian, and he felt more and more that this matter must not be simple.

Yunying's mother had clearly thought of the possibility of these things happening a long time ago. Although he had never seen Yunying's father with his own eyes, it can be seen from the various methods he left behind that he was not an ordinary person.

Such a character, even if his cultivation level has really fallen, is impossible to be as helpless as an ordinary bone-forging monk. How could he not know his life and death under the siege of evil cultivators?

Did the evil cultivators already have the means to restrain Yun Yichen?That's why he couldn't blew himself up in his dantian like his wife and died together?
If this is the case, then maybe there is a big conspiracy behind this incident, a conspiracy specifically targeting the Yun family or Yun Yishen.

Zhuo Yanjia watched Feng Jing's expression change several times, her brows became tighter and tighter, and she couldn't help but said, "If you're curious, why don't you just ask Junior Sister Yun."

"She may not know the inside story."

"Yeah, she was only six or seven years old at that time, and she couldn't remember much at all."

Feng Jing didn't mean that, but she didn't have the heart to explain it to Zhuo Yanjia, she got up and said she was going to Jinchanzhai.

Zhuo Yanjia hurriedly shouted: "But the elder brother said that you must go and talk to him today!"

"Did he say I'm going! The old man is still here, it's not his turn to be like a father!"

Feng Jing shouted happily, but when she turned her head, she saw Zhuo Pengju standing outside the door, her eyes were cold and serious: "Why, don't you accept my elder brother's control?"

Feng Jing was taken aback: "That's not true, it's just..."

Seeing him like this, Zhuo Pengju felt a little strange. If he had encountered such a situation before, Feng Jing would definitely look up at the sky, smile and sneer, and say "so what". Today's gentle attitude is really unprecedented. suffer.

He looked at Feng Jing carefully, and saw that the hostility in his slightly raised phoenix eyes was greatly reduced, and his dark pupils became much clearer. He changed his mind and said, "Come with me, I have something to say to you alone."

Feng Jing chuckled: "Then Ah Lin, do you want to follow?"

The hostility has subsided, but the low energy to be beaten has not subsided. Zhuo Pengju did not stop, but still moved forward, only saying: "I have seen it, I want to talk to you alone."

Feng Jing waved Ah Lin back to the house to look after the child, and followed Zhuo Pengju all the way out of the main mountain to the sea of ​​fog.

The cliff is towering, surrounded by clouds and mist, this is the place where he rescued Yunying for the first time.

Feng Jing looked at the situation in front of her in a daze, and asked Zhuo Pengju, "Why did elder brother bring me here?"

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