It was a moonless night, and the darkness was deep. In the small independent courtyard led by the captain's husband, Liangyi, in Zixia Palace, there were bamboo shadows supporting the trees and flowers and trees sending fragrance.

She wore a long silver dress, and slowly walked through the promenade with a lantern, and sat down by the small pond at the end of the promenade, not caring that the moss spreading by the pool stained her skirt.

"Why did you come back here?" She said suddenly, "Aren't you worried about being exposed?"

Different from Xue Manman's soft and charming voice, her voice is calm and gentle, she doesn't need to sing, just speaking in a normal way makes people feel intoxicated.

The light of the lantern projected her figure on the railing, elongated, and the shadow boiled up from the ground, turning into a pitch-black figure.

"I can't take it anymore." Heiying's voice trembled, he surrounded her from behind, and pressed his cheek tightly against his shoulder, "Senior Sister, I want to see you, or I will go crazy."

Gong Liangyi sighed, and patted the back of his hand lightly: "Is there any new trend in Guiming Mountain?"

"They are going to encircle Lanxi Valley. The only master of the Void Realm in that small sect has fallen, and the owner of the valley only has the Divine Realm and cannot escape the siege of the God Killing Formation. So..."

Gong Liangyi held his hand tightly, but Hei Ying said to himself: "Half a year ago, I went to the Ghost Ming River to practice and endured the pain of thousands of ghosts devouring souls. Son, now I am the head of the nine sons, I must lead the team to such a hunt."

"Before the decent monks arrive, I will definitely kill someone."

"Chenghao." Gong Liangyi stroked the back of his hand, and gently pressed his lips against it, "I understand your heart."

"You can't understand, sister, I hope you never understand. You just have to be like this forever."

Gong Liangyi turned his head and stared at his face under the light of the lantern.

It was Zhang Yingwu's face full of evil spirits and pain, and a scar running through his right cheek made him look sinister and broken.

Gong Liangyi's fingertips slid across his cheeks, and finally stopped on his frowning eyebrows: "Chenghao, you will be free one day."

"Maybe before that day, I will..."

"No!" Gong Liangyi said firmly, "You said that you believed in me, that I could pull the thread of your reason and prevent you from sinking into the sea of ​​suffering, didn't you?"

She pulled the man to sit beside her, letting his head rest on her shoulder like a mother comforting a child in pain.

"Head of the Nine Sons, this is the next head who is certain. As long as the time is running out for the master of Guiming Mountain due to an accident, he will definitely pass on all the secrets to you. As long as you know where the passage to the Demon Realm is, you don't have to worry about it again." Camouflaged."

The man lying on her shoulder just whispered: "I've been wearing the mask for so long, I've already forgotten what is real."

"I'm real." Gong Liangyi held his face and stroked the scar, Harugi's hazy eyes stared deeply at him, "I know what you are worried about. You are afraid that even if everything succeeds, you will still be covered with scars." Blood, heaven and earth do not tolerate. But it doesn’t matter, you still have me, if there is no place for you when you become the true Tao, I will follow you to wander the world, wherever you want to go, I will accompany you to go. Chenghao, as long as I still Now, you will never be a person without a home.”

Inside the lantern, the fire was flickering, and an invisible smoke gradually dispersed with the wind, drifting into Yunying's courtyard, and disappearing in Feng Jing's palm lines.

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