"You told me before that someone put a restriction on you, which can prevent you from being hurt by the turbulence of time and space. Is this what you mean?"

Feng Jing nodded: "The elders also want to personally escort me to this world, but their cultivation base is too high. Once they arrive, they will be oppressed and restrained by the world of this world, and they are very likely to be in danger of exploding, so they are on my body. After the seal was released, he sent a sound transmission to Lord Zhuogu with a secret method, and asked him to meet me outside the turbulent flow passage, and bring me back to Feng Nigu, where he brought me up in the name of his third son, and also monitored the devilish energy in me. increase."

"I see." Yun Ying finally understood why Ah Lin kept staring at Feng Jing, and why Feng Jing was always so lazy.

He has no way to work hard, because what hard work brings is just another division and death.

Unless he can find a way to fuse the two qis of immortality and demons, merge the two branches into one, and walk out an unprecedented path, otherwise, the harder he works, the tighter others will stare at him and the more restrained he will be disciplined.

And can it really go out of another way?Those fallen phoenixes have been completely alienated, and have become the confidant of the phoenix family.Feng Jing's father also sealed himself in order to resist the evil energy, so we can see how much the increase of evil energy will affect people.With only Feng Jing alone, is there really a way to walk out of the so-called unprecedented road?

"But there must be a way." Yunying said firmly, "Even if it is really impossible to reconcile the immortal energy and the devil energy, there must be other ways. There will never be anyone in this world who was born just to be destroyed."

Feng Jing looked at her in surprise: "You really think so?"

"Of course!" Yun Ying laughed, "I've lived hard until now, and I've gradually found my way. Your situation is more critical than mine, but there must be a solution!"

Her gaze was too firm, shining under the flickering candlelight, Feng Jing stared fixedly at those eyes, and was suddenly distracted by the scene of Gong Liangyi and Lu Chenghao embracing just now.

Do all women have such power, like mothers and gods, who will never bow their heads when they are lost.

He was thinking dazedly, and Yunying thought that he couldn't believe it, so he quietly discussed with Cui Zun in his heart, asking him if there was such a person or demon who could not be merged with spirit and demon in the past.

Cui Zun said that he had only seen flowers and plants that were infected with demonic energy, then broke free from the demonic energy, and turned into spirit trees again.

Otherwise, when Yun Ying passed out before, when he learned about Feng Jing's background, he could give him advice, so why help him cover up his identity.

Yunying was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "But, am I not?"

Cui Zun was taken aback: "The body of Xuanrong?"

That's right, with the body of Xuanrong, she can not only absorb the spiritual source of evil cultivation, but also recreate the spiritual source of righteous cultivation, and as long as she pays some price, she can achieve a balance between the two.

The body of Xuanrong can integrate the aura of immortals and demons into one body. As long as the principle of Xuanrong's body is understood, it may be able to help Feng Jing solve the current predicament.

"But your father didn't find out the origin of Xuanrong's body, so how could you find out?" Cui Zun felt that this was completely unconstrained, "Even if you can find out one day, Feng Jing may not be able to wait for it."

In order to save Yunying before, Feng Jing burned her own flesh and blood and cultivation base, and her cultivation base continued to decline, resulting in the loss of a lot of Nirvana power in the fire of soul, but it has only been a long time now, and there is no problem, so it can be seen that he How powerful the self-healing ability is.

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