Xue Manman patted Yunying on the shoulder hard a few times, turned around and left gracefully.

Yun Ying watched her leave, and said to Feng Jing: "Senior Sister Xue is a very ambitious person."

"Really." Feng Jing didn't feel it.

Yun Ying didn't say much, and went back to her room, sorting out what she got today as usual.

Half a month later, the contests and exchanges among the spirit realm disciples were over, and everyone had to return to the sect along with the leading elders.

Because Yun Ying said that she wanted to take Feng Jing to see Old Pharmacist Zhu, Feng Jing wanted to take the Bai Luan of Mingyue Sect directly, but Yun Ying stopped her.

"Don't forget, although the traces you left in Longnan City have been erased, there may still be clues that you haven't noticed. If you behave too closely with me, let the disciples in the sect see it and pass it on to In my master's ears, wouldn't we be completely exposed."

What she said was well-founded, so Feng Jing had no choice but to take Fengnigu Bailuan back to Fengnigu first, and then immediately changed her disguise and ran to Mingyuezong.

Yunying looked at his face after taking Huanrong Pill, many sharp edges were slightly restrained, and he looked more ordinary and easy-going.

"Let's go." Although his face was different, the look in his eyes remained the same.

Holding the jade slip in her hand, Yun Ying took Feng Jing to the Yao Sheng Tang, and found the old pharmacist Zhu who was still immersed in the experiment.

"Old man, I have a friend who is seriously ill and needs your help."

"Why do you have so many friends with strange diseases!" Old Pharmacist Zhu shouted impatiently in the pile of medicinal materials, raised his head and faced Shang Fengjing, his words suddenly got stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak.

"This friend's illness is even worse. I can't think of a good solution right now, so I want to beg you." Yun Ying pulled Feng Jing to sit down quite familiarly, and looked at the old pharmacist Zhu expectantly.

In her every move, there is a coquettish meaning that she herself is not aware of.

Feng Jing looked at her much softer complexion, and looked at the old Pharmacist Zhu who was reluctant but still thinking in his veins, and suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

They are almost like grandparents and grandchildren. Although they are not bound by blood, they are tender and affectionate, and they are more trusting and attached than many relatives.

It's not that I haven't seen this scene in the water mirror before, but seeing it through the water mirror and being in it are still two different feelings.

He felt lost.

Although he was adopted by Master Zhuo Gu, Master Zhuo Gu, Pengju, and Hong Wen knew his background and only regarded him as a distinguished guest. Although he would teach him, there was a gap in the end. Do not force resignation.

Only Yan Jia was young and regarded him as his own brother.

Only from Yan Jia can he feel the family affection.But Yan Jia is really too young, and she is always used to relying on him and pestering her for fun. She can only make him feel relaxed, but cannot cheer him up.

It would be great if he could have an elder like Old Pharmacist Zhu, but he can't meet him, and maybe he doesn't deserve to meet him...

Suddenly someone patted her on the shoulder, Feng Jing came back to her senses and looked at Yun Ying.

"Don't be distracted." Yun Ying said through voice transmission through Feng Youyin.

Feng Jing smiled slightly, restrained her miscellaneous thoughts and looked at Old Pharmacist Zhu.

Zhu old pharmacist's face was almost wrinkled into chrysanthemums. He looked at Feng Jing repeatedly, checked his pulse repeatedly, and finally asked carefully one by one: "Little brother, do you want to completely get rid of the devilish energy on your body, or ..."

"I can't get rid of them." Feng Jing said, "I just want to control them."

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