Chapter 513 Tai Chi Seal
Seeing that Feng Jing was so determined, Old Pharmacist Zhu agreed to him.

"I can't use this seal regardless, wait a minute, I'll call someone for you two."

Feng Jing looked at Yun Ying, and Yun Ying only looked at the disappearing figure of Old Pharmacist Zhu, secretly thinking that she was finally going to see that mysterious figure.

The people Yan Yi is loyal to are people who may have the same background as his father.

In the courtyard, the snow-like petals of the muscaria orchids fluttered down, and Yunying was not surprised by the person who came, this was exactly the same as the answer she had guessed before.

Yunying stood up and saluted: "Lord Gaoshan."

Gao Yi nodded slightly, and looked at Feng Jing behind her.

Feng Jing was also very polite at this time, and followed Yun Ying to salute.

Gao Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at him with the power of Xuanrong, was slightly moved, and said two words silently: "Phoenix?"

Feng Jing's back tightened, just now he had a feeling of being seen from the inside out, if he didn't believe in Yunying, and was afraid of dragging Yunying down, he couldn't help but directly attack this powerful man just now.

Gao Yi turned to look at his master: "Master, have you really understood his situation?"

"I understand... Well, I don't understand very well." The old pharmacist Zhu felt a little guilty, "Why, you can't deal with Ayi?"

"With my current cultivation level, I can use the Tai Chi seal to seal it in front of me. But the seal is only valid for three years at most. If you practice diligently in these three years and refine your own ability, the seal will be released after three years. , you can suppress Shenhuo. But I’m afraid it’s just a dream. Why do you have to fight against the power of these two kinds of Shenhuo? I’m afraid that once the seal is released, you will experience the pain of dismantling the marrow again.”

Gao Yi didn't point it out, but with his eyesight, of course he could see what Feng Jing had experienced.

"Three years." Feng Jing whispered.

Three years is indeed a little bit, he thinks it will take at least ten years to be enough.

For only three years, it was equivalent to putting a knife on his neck, making him clearly see that if he didn't try hard to escape, he could only be chopped off by it.

This is not necessarily bad.

Isn't Yunying like this all the time, she always has the ability to see the danger from the current environment, and then force herself to move forward.

If she can do it from beginning to end, why can't she do it herself.

"Three years is enough." Feng Jing finally said.

Gao Ye didn't try to persuade him, he never dictated other people's choices, not to mention Feng Jing was just a stranger to him, he just promised Master to help, what kind of consequences would there be after helping, it didn't matter to him .

He waved at Feng Jing and let him come to him.

Yunying watched Gao Yi's every movement carefully, and saw that five-color auras were brewing in his left and right palms. The light in his right palm was clear and bright, while the light in his left palm was heavy and solid. The two gradually merged together, spinning Outlined into a Tai Chi pattern.

Gao Yi held the Tai Chi with both hands, in the entanglement of yin and yang, the five colors of light gradually turned into black and white, the cathode filled the yang and the anode gave birth to yin, and the rotation was endless, extremely mysterious.

He sent this Tai Chi seal into Feng Jing's dantian, and in an instant, Feng Jing felt that her whole body became extremely heavy.Countless threads shot out from the yin and yang eyes, binding the deepest flames in the dantian.

Phoenix Shenhuo and Jiuyou Mingyan struggled frantically, trying to break through the shackles of Tai Chi, Gao Yi immediately felt the feedback, his palms were as hot as holding a handful of magma.

(End of this chapter)

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