Chapter 516
Early the next morning, according to Gao Yi's order, Yunying came to Huishuo Mountain.

Different from the lush vegetation of Chupo Mountain, Huishuo Mountain is like a sharp sword that goes straight to the sky. Standing at the foot of the mountain, one feels the sword's aura, which makes one's hair stand on end.

Such a main mountain, who would have thought that its owner is actually a medical practitioner?

Yun Ying thought, and passed on her invitation to the waiter on the mountain, and waited for the waiter to pass it on.

But it was not the waiter who came back to pick her up, but two brothers Gao Mingyu and Zhu Tianyang.

"Why did Junior Sister Yun suddenly think of our Huishuo Mountain?" Zhu Tianyang asked curiously, keeping looking at Yun Ying.

At the exchange meeting of the Seven Heroes of the Northland, which one of them didn't want to go to the exchange conference, but unfortunately, the number of disciples in the mortal realm is limited, so we can only choose the strongest person in each realm. I deeply regret it.

At the same time, they also knew that Yunying had compared with so many top disciples before, and she must have made great progress, so they looked at her with some scrutiny and anticipation.

Yun Ying saw the eyes of the two of them clearly, but she did not come here today to compete with them.

"The Master of Huishuo Mountain summoned me, and I don't know what to order."

"Master?" Zhu Tianyang was incredulous, "Why did Master recall calling you?"

Although he accepted the two of them as disciples and promised to take Yaopu into his sect in the future, Gao Yi himself didn't care much about these things. Many sword cultivators worshiped him and wanted to worship Huishuo Mountain one after another. Therefore, Huishuo Mountain said that it was lively, but it was also deserted when they said it was deserted.

The excitement belongs to the apprentices, and the desertedness belongs to the mountain master Gaoyi.

Right now, the Mountain Lord actually took the initiative to summon a disciple, which will definitely cause a sensation among many sword cultivators.

Yun Ying didn't intend to explain, and Gao Mingyu also thought about some twists and turns, and it was difficult for him to inquire, so he didn't say much, and guided Yun Ying up the mountain.

Zhu Tianyang couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart, and kept begging Yunying to tell her what moved their master.

Yunying smiled but said nothing, looking at the scenery on Huishuo Mountain.

Chupo Mountain is an extremely large green mountain that covers a very wide area. Huishuo Mountain is different. It should have been a mountain top, but it was artificially cut into hundreds of scattered, precipitous and tall thin peaks. Nor can their outlines be blurred, just like a sword, the blade will never be rusted by time.

There are 76 personal disciples, registered disciples and elders in Huishuo Mountain. Each of them lives on one of the mountain peaks, and they seldom come out to discuss with others unless they encounter a bottleneck and cannot break through alone.

This is probably what Su Minglang said about "independence".

As Yunying thought about it, another smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Zhu Tianyang has been observing her expression, and seeing her laughing in the face of the countless steep mountains like swords pierced into the ground, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

The junior sister must have some fighting spirit.

That... that seems pretty good too, it would be great to compete with her on the spot!

When they reached the top of the main peak, Gao Yi had already sent attendants to wait for Gao Mingyu and Zhu Tianyang to take refuge temporarily, and Yun Ying entered the hall alone.

Although the hills are completely different, this hall is exactly the same.

Yun Ying entered it, knelt down in front of the futon prepared for herself and saluted, sitting upright and upright.

(End of this chapter)

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