Chapter 528
This time it took more than half a year to digest all the gains from the battle.

Cui Zun really hoped that she would not go forward this time: "You will definitely not be the next one! Why don't you catch the knife here first, and experience it carefully, maybe it will be more useful than just rushing forward."

In fact, Yunying didn't intend to go forward, but seeing Cui Zun like this, she couldn't help but want to tease him: "But I think there is nothing wrong with going forward, anyway, you are here!"

"Stop messing around, little ancestor!" Cui Zun broke down and yelled, "Give me some heart!"

Yun Ying couldn't help laughing, Cui Zun immediately realized something was wrong, and after a moment of silence, he yelled louder: "Are you kidding me!"

Yunying hurriedly denied it, but the smile in her words couldn't be hidden no matter what.

Cui Zun suddenly said: "You have changed a lot, have you realized it yourself?"

Yun Ying was slightly startled: "Which aspect are you referring to?"

"You love to laugh more than before." She smiled more sincerely.

Cui Zun can guess the reason why Yun Ying is so indomitable.Knowing from Gao Yi the truth that she has been trying to hide all along, where her father was from and what kind of mastermind she was facing behind the scenes, there was anxiety and anger brewing in her heart.

She's used to being propelled forward by anxiety and anger, so it's not surprising that she became like this.

But under such urgency, she still showed a relaxed and bright smile from time to time.

So why?

Yun Ying remained silent, Cui Zun also sighed.

When he was with Geng Jiu in the past, did he sigh so much?

Well, raising a daughter is another matter.

"You really like Fengjing, don't you?"

Yunying still didn't answer, layers of green energy lingered on the body surface, resisting the swords coming from all directions.

Cui Zun waited for a long time but couldn't wait for her words, and suddenly came to his senses.

Are you shy girl?

No way no way!When are you still shy?
Cuizun's heart was galloping and collapsing.A few months ago, he couldn't persuade Yunying to move forward, he thought that was enough to break down, but now his mood is even worse. should I put it?

If Cui Zun was still in his own body, he would be so worried that all the flowers would fall out at this time, but now he can only curl up in Mu Xin, running around in Yunying's dantian with Mu Xin, as if frightened rabbit.

"Calm down." Yun Ying finally spoke, but Cui Zun collapsed even more when he spoke.

"How can I be calm! What are you looking for in him! No, no, no, I didn't mean that kid to be embarrassed, but if you think about it carefully, he is obviously older than you, but you are the one who made the decision! How could you like an assertive child! You don’t like raising children, do you?”

Yun Ying switched to the original saber technique for comprehension, leaving only a wisp of spiritual consciousness to quietly listen to him vent, and then calmly said: "Maybe."




Cui Zun was almost overwhelmed by this sentence.

This is different from what is said in the picture book. Don’t other protagonists who lost their parents at a young age like to be mature and stable, and they only make up for the lost elders?
Isn't Fengjing the same way?

Why is it the other way around in their family, who like to rely on themselves and ask for family affection from themselves?
Cui Zun couldn't figure it out, so he could only continue to jump around in the dantian with Mu Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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