The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 537 All kinds of doubts

Yunying is a fearless person who doesn't know, and with a heart of pursuing perfection, she pays a huge price to clear the impurities.This kind of determination, if you want other puppet fragments in Xuanming Temple to do it, they can do the same.

After all, it is just an unconscious puppet, and everything it thinks is stronger.

Such a method is equivalent to removing a bloated body, no matter how painful it is, everyone will do it.

But Xuanming Palace has always told many fragments that there is no need to "refine blood", no need to clear away impurities, how much Xuanrong Dharma body can be absorbed, and when it can't bear to split, that's up to each person good fortune.

This is simply a scam!

The shock in Gao Yi's heart was beyond Yun Ying's comprehension, but Yun Ying already understood the meaning of his words.

"What do you mean, Xuanming Palace deliberately didn't tell its subordinates how to clean up the impurities, so that they would think that there is no solution to this matter, and then go to perish on their own?"

Gao Yi nodded slightly, Yunying felt incredible: "For what?"

Creating such a distorted body of Xuanrong is nothing more than to forge an omnipotent fierce army. The fragments have no self-awareness, and there is almost no risk of devouring the master. The stronger they are, the more powerful the Xuanming Palace will be. Strong, this can be said to be a matter of both prosperity and loss, why is it necessary to guard against and deceive?

Yun Ying asked in a low voice: "Forgive me, junior, what kind of ambition does the Lord of the Xuanming Palace have?"

She knew very little about this treacherous and unpredictable Lord of the Xuanming Palace. She only knew that he had attacked the ancestral land of the Qingling clan in the spiritual world, and had also infiltrated this world. Judging from these actions, he It seems to want to expand and dominate the six worlds.

But if this is the case, why hide and deceive the fragments.

Most importantly, since his master, whether the fragments are alive or dead is nothing more than a matter of his words, why should he hide it?
Unless he really has the heart to deceive the fragments, his purpose from the very beginning is to kill them, but at the same time there are people who can restrain him. Under the contradiction between the two, he can only choose such a secretive action.

This was her vague guess, but after hearing Gao Yi's words, she confirmed it.

"To be honest, I can't see what he really wants." Gao Yi sighed, "He will indeed fight in all directions to wipe out the ancient races such as the Qingling clan and the Chonghua clan, but he will never send anyone to On the battlefield of spirits and demons, he went to help the demons with great fanfare, and sometimes even ordered us to strangle a certain royal family of the demons... All in all, he didn't seem to attack the spirit world because he hated the spirit world. The demon world hides, but I have to act like I hate the spirit world, in fact, in the hunting list inside the Xuanming Palace, all the monks with names and surnames from the four realms of spirits, demons, ghosts are on it."

After Yunying heard this, she felt more and more that his intention was not to claim power, but seemed to have a deeper plot.

But after all, it is still the news of Yoshimitsu Kataha, and one cannot jump to conclusions based on this little news.

However, Gao Yi has already seen the potential in Yunying, and is determined to tell her what he knows.

"All the fragments that failed to advance to the rank will be thrown into the Yin-Yang Pond, thrown into the Yin-Yang Eye, and turned into blood." Gao Yi closed his eyes and recalled, "Although I was low and far away at that time, I couldn't see clearly, but I can vaguely feel that what emerges from the Yangyang Yinyan is not the power of Xuanrong, but something else..."

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