In fact, there is no fixed format for the Martial Arts Club. You may find someone to guard the ring and give a sermon, or you may have a big fight.

Right now because Su Minglang is so much stronger than everyone else, the situation is that everyone will besiege Su Minglang together.

Among the besiegers, Yun Ying saw Jiang Rong and Xie Lianhuan, they both came and fought side by side?

Yun Ying took a closer look, only to realize that although the two of them acted in tacit understanding, they separated immediately after each joint attack, apparently only joining forces temporarily to deal with Su Ming Lang.

Having said that, is it really necessary to join forces?
Yunying looked at Jiang Rong with shattered ice eyes, and suddenly understood her a little bit.

Su Minglang later told Yun Ying that Jiang Rong was once very favored by Elder Xie and wanted to take him under his family, so she and Xie Lianhuan were actually childhood sweethearts, and there were a couple of years when they got along well, and then the childhood sweethearts became the ones who killed the family. Even if the culprit was really unintentional, even if it was just an accessory, Jiang Rong couldn't help but hate him.

This kind of very complicated emotion, Yun Ying didn't quite understand it before, but since she became enlightened to Feng Jing, she gradually understood it.

For Jiang Rong, he understood a little better than before.

Many things in the world are not deliberately self-sufficient, but really out of control.

Maybe it's because Jiang Rong has that kind of tortuous bitterness in her heart, and she can only vent these bitterness through the whipping method. Now her whipping method is more fierce and fierce than before, but it is not straightforward. Cruel, but a secret murderous intent.

"She has made great progress, but..." Cui Zun hesitated to speak.

Yun Ying knew what it was, but it always gave people the feeling that she would turn around with her and whip a whip towards Xie Lianhuan's face.

Maybe this is not an illusion, Jiang Rong thought so in his heart.

Compared to Jiang Rong, Xie Lianhuan's swordsmanship was not much different from before. The two of them were far away and close, but they did catch most of Su Minglang's attention and gave other monks a chance to attack from the flanks.

There are not many other monks worthy of attention, and Yun Ying only noticed one person.

Cen Shuyue.

He doesn't know what kind of adventure he got, and now he has broken through the first level of blood refinement, and has become an inner disciple without participating in the martial arts conference. At this time, he is attacking Su Minglang with other sword disciples. The technique is indeed very subtle, and the scene of golden light and yellow flowers all over the ground can be vaguely seen between the sword shadows.

To comprehend the sword intent.

Yun Ying nodded slightly, but immediately felt that something was wrong, there seemed to be a little black air that was as light as light smoke wrapped around the pure Baizang spiritual energy.

Cui Zun also said at the same time: "He has devilish energy!"

Yunying had already concentrated the power of Xuanrong on her eyes, carefully looking at Cen Shuyue's body.

She clearly saw that there was a very small black spot in Cen Shuyue's dantian.

"Is that... a Gu worm?" Yun Ying frowned slightly.

"Evil thought Gu." Cui Zun said in a deep voice, "It is something that evil cultivators can cultivate, and it can control people's body and consciousness."

Cen Shuyue doesn't look like he's being controlled now.

Yunying carefully looked at Cen Shuyue's expression, and saw that he was still the same as when he was seen in the back mountain before, and there was nothing abnormal at all.

"He was only planted with the magic thought Gu, and has not been controlled yet." Cui Zun felt that the situation was a bit unbelievable.

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