Chapter 546
There was still silence, Bai Yuchan looked around, and a sneer could not help but spread to the corner of her mouth: "In this case, we sisters will make a fool of ourselves!"

She called Bai Yujuan, Bai Yujing, and Bai Yujiao to her side, and the four of them took the stage together to evolve the whip array that had been deduced over the past few months.

The four of them all used long whips, the whips rolled up and down, and the four of them were attacking and defending at the same time. The shadows of the whips overlapped and overlapped like a lotus flower blooming and falling.

Jiang Rong was also a whip user. Seeing such an exquisite formation and coordination, he couldn't help being dazzled, and even wanted to go on stage and compete with them.

Just about to get up, someone held down his shoulders, turned around and saw that it was Xie Lianhuan, Jiang Rong frowned slightly, but saw Xie Lianhuan quietly raised his chin towards Yunying.

Jiang Rong followed his movements and looked at Yun Ying, seeing that Yun Ying looked at the whip array with a bit of thought in his eyes, so he sneered at Xie Lianhuan: "Junior Sister Yun is not the kind of person you think!"

After saying that, he shook off his hand, jumped onto the ring, shouted: "Please teach me, four senior sisters!" and waved his whip to meet him.

In fact, her ways are similar to those of the Bai family sisters and others. She is superior in terms of ruthlessness, but she is not as good as any of the Bai family sisters in terms of unpredictable changes. With the cooperation of the four people's vocals, they were defeated.

She didn't feel reconciled to the result, she simply conceded defeat and stepped off the stage, went straight to Yun Ying's side, and asked for advice in a low voice: "Junior Sister Yun, I can probably see the flaws in this whip array just now, but the speed is not enough, only I can sigh in vain, but I have a faint feeling that even if I really can seize the opportunity and make a quick move, it doesn't seem to help."

"That's not Senior Sister Jiang's illusion." Yun Ying said softly, "This whip array opens and closes like a lotus flower. Between each opening and closing, Bai Yujing's long whip lags a little bit, forming a small spot on the right corner of the lotus flower. The opening. If I'm not mistaken, this is where Senior Sister Jiang mentioned the flaw."

"That's right." Jiang Rong was surprised, Yun Ying had clearly just talked to Senior Brother Su, looked at the whip array a few times in the gap, and had already seen it so thoroughly.

Yun Ying continued: "That spot is not a flaw, but a trap to invite you into the urn."

Jiang Rong's heart trembled, and he saw four wisps of pure white spiritual energy escaping from Yunying's left palm, opening and closing like four whips on the stage, and the spiritual energy on the right corner was always a little slower.

Yun Ying raised her right hand, and when the aura was closed and there was still a slight gap left, she threw another ray of aura over it, trying to entangle the aura on the right corner.

However, at the next moment, the spiritual energy that was originally weak suddenly strangled towards this new spiritual energy like a revived spirit snake. Its position was originally slightly lower, but at this moment it suddenly jumped up, as if flying out The venomous snake biting its prey by the tree branch, holding on to the new aura and relentlessly refusing to let go.

The other three wisps of aura also suddenly changed directions, wrapping towards the new aura. If converted into a whip array on the stage, it would be an attacking weapon, one would wrap around the wrist, and the other would directly attack the heart.

Jiang Rong was terrified when she saw it. Although she saw that it might be a trap, she didn't expect the ultimate move behind the trap to be so fierce.

"Then how to break through this whip array?" She couldn't help asking.

Yunying reorganized the aura, and still let them open and fall like a whip formation. Jiang Rong knew that she intended to point it out, so she carefully looked at it.

(End of this chapter)

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