Chapter 552

During this year, Gao Mingyu and the others made quite obvious progress. In addition to their new progress, they also practiced a three-talented sword array together.

Gao Mingyu is Taizheng Dharma body, Zhu Tianyang is Haoyang Dharma body, Yao Pu is Zhuo Yang Dharma body, they are all Yang Dharma bodies, this sword array is naturally like a bright sun hanging high, the light is so dazzling that people cannot look directly at it.

The sword intent of the three of them is far inferior to Yunying's, but when the three are superimposed and supported by the sword array, their power is not the same.

The three of Gao Mingyu were bathed in the golden light, and there was a slight buzzing sound at the tip of the sword.

Yunying watched their swords' direction, and saw that they didn't seem to be going to attack with all their strength, but in the combined phantom of Baihu Haori, there was a viscous force that dissipated.

Do you want to capture your own knife gang?

Yunying raised her brows, and was also curious about whether they could really do it, so she released the sword and let it swim towards Baihu Haori's sword like a fish.

The three of them suddenly felt an unprecedented pressure. Although they had already experienced the power of Yunying's sword just now, they knew that Yunying only used two or three parts of his strength at that time, but now they wanted to seriously test it out. , The pressure brought by it is naturally not the same.

Gao Mingyu shouted: "Catch!"

His sword tip moved first, and among the shadows of the sword, the white tiger suddenly opened its huge mouth and swallowed the knife gang in one gulp.

Yun Ying also raised the saber suddenly, and saw hundreds of silver lights flashing in the white tiger's phantom, and for a while, the white tiger's body was covered with cracks shining with silver lights.

Zhu Tianyang and Yao Pu held out their long swords, one on the left and the other on the right. The bright and dazzling sunlight flickered and hesitantly repaired the cracks on the white tiger's body.

Originally wanted to fight a war of attrition.

Su Minglang shook his head and sighed, knowing that this was absolutely impossible, although Yunying always fought with others quickly, but everyone could feel that she was not afraid of consumption.

However, this method of capture can be used for reference.

Su Minglang immediately elbowed his younger brother: "Have you returned the snake-wrapped fist you mentioned earlier?"

"No." Su Mingyue understood him better than the roundworm in his stomach, and when handing over the boxing technique to him, she warned, "Your accumulation seems to be not as thick as hers, and even if you practice the snake-wrapped fist, you may not be able to succeed. "

"It doesn't matter!" Su Minglang smiled a bit wickedly, "I know that Junior Sister Yun has a weakness, maybe I can take advantage of it."

Hearing this, Su Mingyue turned her head to look at Yun Ying: "Brother, do you mean her physique?"

Indeed, compared to her tyrannical blade and strong aura, her physique does look average, but the first two's excellent performance is enough to cover up this little flaw, Su Mingyue can't help but look at her brother.

Su Minglang only smiled slightly, but didn't speak.

With the consolidation of these two sentences, the duel on the field has already come to an end. Although the sword intent of the three is strong, they can only draw with Su Minglang. There is no chance of winning against Yunying's Dao Gang. It took a moment to see the sword array and nodes of the three people clearly, and then no longer controlled it, allowing Dao Gang to burst out with [-]% of its strength, smashing the entire Baihuhaori sword array to pieces.

The three brothers and sisters flew upside down, with blood dripping from their mouths.

"Acceptance." Yun Ying handed over two bottles of pills and sent them over, "If you want Dao Gang, here is the aura I inscribed. Although it is not as powerful as Dao Gang itself, it still has a lot of power."

Gao Mingyu's eyes lit up, he immediately got up to accept it, and thanked Yun Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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