The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 557 Going to the Secret Realm

The flying boat was very fast, traveling thousands of miles in a day, but the sea east secret was really far away, and it took three days to fly straight to the shore of the east sea.

When Yun Ying was not practicing, she would also look out through the glazed windows of the cabin, but seeing the vast sea of ​​clouds and surging waves, everything on the ground was blurred into large groups of color blocks.

She looked at these color blocks, as if the whole person was divided into two parts, one part of her was calm and calm, examining herself and the current situation calmly and severely; the other part of her was looking forward to seeing her long-lost people.

The two of them exist at the same time, thinking about the current situation at the same time.

The part of her that thought she was rational still had the upper hand, but when another spaceship appeared outside the window, she realized how much she had overestimated her rationality.

Just as the flying boat of the Mingyue Sect has the pattern of the twelfth lunar month to show its identity, there is also the emblem of the sect on that flying boat.

A phoenix about to fly is encircled in the circle formed by Hongni.

The emblem of Feng Nigu.

Yunying took a deep breath, but she couldn't suppress her beating heart like before.

She forced herself to look back, and continued to meditate, purifying the impurities in the blood over and over again.

Because of the excitement, the aura was more and heavier than before, and it was more painful when it was scraped through the flesh and blood over and over again.

Cui Zun felt that he didn't understand young people nowadays more and more. He hadn't seen him for a year. Who knows if that kid Feng Jing has cultivated well, so why do he have such high expectations for him?

Maybe it's the gold and jade that's out of the way, maybe it's just three days of fishing and two days of drying the net, and you can just get by if you can't bear the hard work.

Even if you really practice seriously, so what, I can only say that if the prodigal son turns his head back, it's not worth the money.

And after all, it was Yun Ying who dragged the prodigal son back. He himself is a duck who was caught on the shelf, so what is there to praise!
He knew that his hatred and belittling were unreasonable, but which father-in-law's hatred for his son-in-law was justified. If Geng Jiu was still there now, he would only be a thousand times more picky and dissatisfied than himself.

Although they acted differently, the two were indeed disturbed by Feng Nigu's flying boat.

The flying boat suddenly trembled, and dozens of black smoke mixed with lifeless air billowed out of the window, as if to bind the flying boat.

Yunying immediately called out the Broken Frost Knife, rushed out of the cabin and came to the deck before everyone could react.

The two leading captains had already stood on the deck, and the one with a familiar back held a long sword and swung it lightly, awakening the defensive formation of the entire flying boat.Amidst the golden light, ancient seal scripts are connected into sentences, protecting the flying boat tightly, and heavy black mist flows down, but it seems that rainwater is separated by umbrellas, and it can only flow downward without hurting the golden seal. .

The same is true for the Fengnigu flying boat on the side, the golden seals are generously shining, so that the evil energy can only flow down, but it cannot penetrate into the spirit boat.

The elder who led the team turned around and saw Yunying appearing here, he was not surprised at all, just as Yunying was not surprised when he saw his face.

That's right, this time, Gao Yi, the master of Huishuo Mountain, invited himself to be the leader and escorted a group of disciples.

Its purpose is naturally for Yun Ying.

Yunying made eye contact with him, and nodded slightly.

Gao Yi also hopes that she can find opportunities for promotion in Haidong Secret Realm, which is beneficial to him and himself.

"Is it an evil cultivator's attack?" Yunying asked.

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