The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 562 Killing Rongyuan

Chapter 562 Killing Rongyuan
Many bloody palm prints as big as a mountain came from front, back, left, right, up and down, blocking her heavily, trying to limit her hiding space, as if they wanted to pat her into a pulp.

Yunying is by no means the one to give up easily, although the slap print brings boundless oppressive feeling, as if the weight of the gravity when he walked through the sky-reaching steps is pressing on his body again, Yunying still swings the sword with incomparable standard, the sword is like a butterfly Flapping its wings, flying around, cutting the bloody palm prints into pieces.

This may be the only time that Yunying compares his consumption with others. Many spiritual sources in his dantian, except for the blood fiend, all radiate light one after another, trying their best to capture the energy of heaven and earth. .

The evil cultivators couldn't imagine what was special about Yunying anyway, and they thought that she would not be able to hold on for too long if she was so trapped, so they speeded up their palm movements, one after another palm prints wrapped Yunying almost into a cocoon.

Yunying's pressure was getting heavier and heavier, every time she swung the knife, she seemed to have used up her last bit of strength, but she could always raise the knife again, chopping the palm prints at an extremely fast speed.

This seems to have returned to the scene when I passed the Sky-reaching Step. It seemed that I couldn't hold on for every moment, but I persisted every moment after all.

The spiritual energy flows quickly in the body, cultivating the meridians while spreading the flesh and blood, causing the sore limbs to force out a trace of strength again.After pulling and pulling repeatedly like this, he broke through the third level of blood refining at a certain moment.

At the moment when she was promoted, countless auras of heaven and earth poured into her dantian, which relieved the pressure on her body. Yunying took the opportunity to swing thirteen knives in succession, "Zhi Jie Yang Hui", the Moon Breaking Knife she has used for the longest and most proficiently. French moves.

Among the thirteen slashes, twelve slashed towards the bloody palm prints and separated them, and the other slash was aimed at the evil cultivator who was closest to him.

Her movement was only for a split second. Although Xie Xiu noticed the extra knife she swung, he still couldn't catch it. His left arm was immediately thrown away, and he took a few steps back, his mouth dripping with blood.

The leader of the evil cultivator saw his eyes red, and immediately shouted: "I don't want her body anymore, hurry up and do it to me!"

Yes, they still have the same thoughts as Zhao Anning. They want to subdue Yunying to become their bone puppet. After all, she is such a good talent. big help.

So although everyone seemed to be merciless, they all had the idea of ​​killing Yun Ying alive and leaving a complete body.

However, with a little mercy, another person was abolished by Yun Ying.

Xie Xiu, who was the leader, gave the order to die, and immediately gathered all his spiritual power into a big blood palm print, and wanted to crush Yunying to death like an ant.But as soon as the blood palm print was formed, a fiery arrow shot from the thick clouds in the distance, smashing the blood palm print in an instant, and the momentum remained undiminished, wanting to nail into the eyes of this evil cultivator.

The evil cultivator backed back again and again and waved the bloody palm print again and again to scatter the arrows, but just after he breathed a sigh of relief, before he had time to find out where the arrows came from, a kind of creepy fear suddenly rose in his heart.The Broken Frost Knife stabbed out from his chest, and then was pulled back in an instant, leaving only the emptiness and darkness in his chest that seemed to be filled with cold wind.

When the leading evil cultivator was disturbed by the arrows, the other evil cultivators were also disturbed by a few arrows, and when they came back to their senses, they all felt a silver light flashing in front of them, and then lost consciousness, and could only slow down uncontrollably. Slowly descend, and then completely lose consciousness in the fall.

(End of this chapter)

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