Before landing, Yunying carefully checked the surroundings with her spiritual sense, and after making sure that there was no danger in the lake or the cliffs on both sides, she took out the ice jade chopsticks to check the situation.

This ice jade chopstick is not only the key to enter the secret realm, but also engraved most of the map of the Haidong secret realm, and also wrote down what the sect hopes the disciples can accomplish within these three months.

The first two contents are exactly the same in all the ice jade chopsticks, but the third part, the characters assigned to the disciples, has different contents on different ice jade chopsticks.

Yun Ying had already seen these three parts clearly on the flying boat, and now she took them out to compare the maps to see if there were any gaps that could be filled in.

After all, the first task Yue Wuxia assigned to Yunying was to try her best to perfect the map.

"There is this valley on the map." Yun Ying said to Cui Zun, "But it doesn't say that there are spirit swallowing vines here."

"Maybe the other disciples didn't meet it." Cui Zun said leisurely.

Yunying shook her head: "Impossible, the spirit-swallowing vine is extremely sensitive to human aura, there is absolutely no possibility of letting the prey go in vain."

"Then they might all have been killed." The Spirit-swallowing vine is a fierce vine after all, and its power should not be underestimated. If it is not Yunying who falls here, but an ordinary monk with average footwork, he will not be able to escape successfully.

Yun Ying still felt something was wrong.

Even if he was hunted down to death, wouldn't he even have a chance to issue an early warning during his escape?

The maps in the ice jade chopsticks are connected to each other. Disciples can make more detailed changes to it anytime and anywhere. Just mark it a little bit and embed the spiritual consciousness in it, and the map will automatically generate a warning to keep other people who don't know the reason away. This dangerous situation.

However, every ten or twenty years, more than 20 disciples came in, but none of them left a mark.

Hearing what she said, Cui Zun also felt a little strange, but then thought: "Maybe it's really a coincidence, there are too many coincidences in this world, and the secret realm is so big, maybe there are few people here. These few lucky ones may have had amazing luck, and they escaped abruptly."

Yunying felt that this was wrong, there must be some kind of problem, but she couldn't tell exactly what was going on.

I had no choice but to suppress this doubt for the time being.

In fact, she has a rather bizarre guess, that is, the spirit-swallowing vine was left by the person who entered the secret realm last time.

Coincidences exist, but most of the things in this world that seem to be coincidences are carefully analyzed, and they are all deliberate.

Contacting Gao Yi's advice to him, let him stare at the senior brother Xiang Changxiang, because he has probably been replaced by Xie Xiu, Yunying can't but suspect that Xie Xiu changed his head and sneaked into the secret realm not just from this time.

Maybe before that, more evil cultivators got in among the disciples of the seven major sects and planted spirit-swallowing vines here, digging a hole for Zhengxiu who thought it was very safe and didn't make too much preparation.

"What you said is also reasonable." Cui Zun thought for a while and said, "But the swallowing vine is a demon vine, and it is extremely difficult to grow. With only one opening and three months of effort, I want to cultivate it. That is An idiot talking about a dream."

Yunying also knows this, after all, she knows too little information now, she can only make vague guesses, so she can't put too much hope on this guess.

Anyway, let's modify the map on the ice jade chopsticks first.

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