Feng Jing once said that he likes the feeling of the arrow on the string, and likes to hit his own target.

Yunying said that as soon as the arrow leaves the string, whether it hits the target or not is due to cause and effect. After thinking about it, Feng Jing thought it was right. Since then, he has been walking towards the target with such an attitude.

If you hit it, it is my cause and effect; if you don't hit it, it is also my cause and effect.

But later he gradually understood that this cause and effect was not only for himself, but also for the target he was going to shoot with the arrow.

If hit, death is his cause and effect; if not hit, life is still its cause and effect.

Looking at the past with such eyes, he seemed to have an ability, an ability to detect various causes and effects of the other party in an instant.

He could see that those huge and ferocious bear heads, although extremely terrifying, had a weakness that would collapse at the first touch.

their eyes.

Just shoot them in the eye...

Seeing that Feng Jing's shooting strength gradually decreased, but he was always able to kill with one blow, Su Minglang couldn't help frowning slightly.

This is not his favorite way of fighting, but Feng Jing has this ability, and he really appreciates it.

Draining seven points of spiritual energy in the dantian, in the blink of an eye, Su Minglang punched tens of thousands of punches, and forty bear heads surrounded Feng Jing from all directions.

Feng Jing still took her time, stretched her bow and set her arrows, only taking Xiong's eyes.

The arrow turned into forty, and accurately hit the right eyes of forty bear heads, and died together with them.

Su Minglang nodded approvingly: "One method is mastered, ten thousand methods are mastered, you really deserve to be a good friend of my junior sister!"

The tips of Feng Jing's ears turned red again, and when she was thinking about how to answer this, Su Minglang had already twisted his body forward, exhausting all his energy to transform into the shadow of the bear and snake fist that he fought against Yunying back then.

He is not stupid, he will not hand over all the cards from the beginning.He had been fighting Feng Jing with Xiong Quan just now, and now he suddenly showed his ability to wrap his fist around snakes, aiming to catch Feng Jing by surprise.

Feng Jing was slightly taken aback, her thoughts hadn't recovered from the good friend just now, but she had already drawn her bow and arrow with her previous fighting consciousness, and shot towards the bear's head.

The bear's head dispersed in response to the sound, and when the shiny black and slippery snake shadow was approaching, it was about to engulf him in it.

At this moment, it was already very difficult to get out, the unique twisting power of the Snake Entangling Fist made the surrounding air of heaven and earth become as muddy as a swamp, trying to suffocate him to death here.

At the same time, the fist shadow was already too close to him, too close would not be conducive to the arrow shooting.

Feng Jing was a little flustered all of a sudden, and in the panic, she could only think of the move that she had been researching all this time.

Although it was suspected of playing tricks in front of Yun Ying, but the situation is critical now, so he can't care so much.

Yunying clearly saw that a layer of blue fire suddenly appeared on the red-feathered nine-phoenix bow, the bowstring was as sharp as a blade, Feng Jing inserted it into the shadow of the fist, raised it upwards in a way she was very familiar with, and the bowstring slid Cut Fist Shadow and gave him a hole to escape.

Feng Jing took the opportunity to rush out, turned around and shot an arrow at the belly of the snake that had been pierced just now, and the shadow of the fist disappeared in an instant.

In this competition, Feng Jing won, but it was a bit embarrassing to win.

Su Minglang had used up all of his spiritual energy, but Feng Jing only had the spiritual energy for another arrow, which can only be said to be a miserable victory.

But Yunying could see that his real strength was far more than that, he was slightly stunned when he punched the last punch, and his reaction was not timely enough, and he missed the best time to shoot the arrow, which made him so embarrassing.

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