The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 595 Ling Xiao Medicine Garden

Chapter 595 Ling Xiao Medicine Garden
After repeated hardships like this, several people finally walked out of Xuanji Peak.

When her spiritual consciousness finally could see everything around her clearly, Yun Ying felt as if she was reborn as a human again.

In order to practice Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes, she is used to dispersing her spiritual knowledge into countless strands around her, and she is also used to perceiving the surrounding situation through her spiritual knowledge. Her reliance on spiritual knowledge is much higher than that of other monks.

Therefore, the strange power on Xuanji Peak that can shield spiritual consciousness made her feel anxious all the way, and she still has lingering fears now.

Looking back at the Xuanji Peak buried in the night, Yun Ying felt that there must be some secret in it, but unfortunately she didn't have time to explore the truth right now, and she might not have the opportunity to delve into it again in the future.

Behind Xuanji Peak is the Lingxiao Medicine Garden, which is said to be a medicine garden, but it is actually a vast and boundless plain, but there is a layer of restrictions around it to isolate it from the outside world, forming a small world of its own, in which many spirits grow. medicine, so it is called the medicine garden by the people.

In fact, the word "Xiangpu" is written on the stone tablet at its entrance, which is the original name given to it by the builder.

Xuanji Peak was not directly facing the entrance of Lingxiao Medicine Garden, and a few people left the mountain and stalked for nearly an hour before arriving at the entrance of the stele.

The map shows that Xiangchang is still hanging upside down on the Milky Way, and he doesn't know what to do.

Yunying frowned slightly, could it be that his original goal was to hang the Milky Way upside down, because he mistakenly thought that he was going to Lingxiao Academy?
Just thinking about this, Xiangchang's breath suddenly moved, and he rushed towards the medicine garden.

Yunying heaved a sigh of relief, it seemed that he was right, his goal was still here.

But there are no monsters on the side of the Galaxy Upside Down, and there are no treasures worth mentioning, let alone difficult terrain. Why did he stay for so long?
Yun Ying thought it was strange, but anyway, he had already come to his door, and there were plenty of opportunities for interrogation.

She said to Yu Simeng: "Although the task didn't say to pick the elixir in the medicine garden, I know an old pharmacist whom I have been kind to, and if I want to pick more elixir for him in return, it may take Spend some time here. If Senior Sister is in a hurry to join Senior Brother Gongxi, you can go first."

Yu Simeng was startled, then smiled and said: "Then forgive me for being rude."

She bowed to the three of them, her ethereal figure flitted across the boundless sea of ​​flowers like a white crane, and disappeared into the distance.

It was only after she disappeared that Su Minglang remembered: "Did she leave that purple calyx mink?"

Only then did Yunying think of this, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister probably wants to punish it, and probably will tie it to her side all the time before leaving the secret realm."

Yu Simeng had been tying the ermine to his left wrist before, but at first the ermine was still alive and well, even though he was tied up, his hands and feet were bound, his mouth was covered and his eyes were covered, he still twisted his soft body unyieldingly and swung his long tail , to cause some trouble to Yu Simeng.

The more mischievous it is, the more Yu Simeng wants to teach it a lesson, no matter how much it kicks and kicks, she just doesn't see or feel it, and lets it torment.

After all, it was only a third-order monster, and it didn't have much strength. As early as when everyone went down Xuanji Peak, it was tired and fell asleep in the posture tied to Yu Simeng's hand.

Yu Simeng naturally forgot about this, and still tied it to the library.

That purple calyx marten is indeed unusual, it is so intelligent and human, and it grows in the Xuanji Peak, it is indeed very interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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