The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 599 falls into the trap

It's just an evil cultivator in the realm of the gods, but he doesn't like Xuehua Mountain.

Although Xuehua Mountain is only a small sect, it is a subsidiary sect of Liuren Mountain among the three mountains and four rivers in Monan, so it is not without status.

This person looks down on Xuehua Mountain, either he is an extremely outstanding genius disciple, or he is in a high position.

Yunying frowned slightly, and secretly sighed that it was a mistake not to ask Gao Yi to inquire about the situation of the Monan Demon Territory, but at that time there was only a little time left, Xiangchang was also on the deck, she had no time to inquire with Gao Yi at all, so she could only Take the time to prepare for entering the secret realm.

Right now, she knows too little information, and she can't perform the fake and real torture method that she was best at in the past.

However, based on what she had seen and heard in the secret realm these days, she felt that there was still a way to try. Although it was likely to be the opposite, it would not be a loss to get an accurate message before this guy escaped.

Thoughts were going back and forth, but her face was still silent, Yun Ying put on her usual unpredictable expression, Feng Jing knew at a glance that she was going to start bluffing people again, so she was busy and prepared so that she could find out what she missed.

Now he is not the naive and weak self he was a year ago, unable to help at all, and can only watch Yunying show off his skills.

He can help Yunying!

Thinking of this, he immediately felt that his mind became much more excited, and a lot of news about Monan that Zhuo Pengju had heard suddenly appeared in his mind.

Yunying asked the visitor: "It's already come to this point, why don't you tell me your real name, if you want to be your person, you won't be willing to be remembered under someone else's name."

"It sounds like you know me quite well." The man smiled slightly, "But I like you very much, I can tell you my name."

He leaned close to Yunying's face, and said every word with the utmost charm: "My name is Xian Yuyi."

"Salted fish?" Su Minglang looked confused, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere that was so easy to create, Xian Yu Yi gave him a fierce look.

"If you can't speak, you can tear your mouth!"

Feng Jing, on the other hand, couldn't help laughing out loud, and after laughing for a long time, she could barely hold back her smile, and lay on Su Minglang's body, patting Su Minglang's shoulders constantly.

Brother is too generous!

This inexplicably hot guy should be beaten back like this!
Yun Ying didn't care about the three people's open and secret fights, but just gave Feng Jing a look, asking him to think about whether he had heard of the Xian Yu family in the Demon Realm.

Feng Jing received Yunying's gaze, and began to think hard, Xianyu...ah no, Xianyu...he had never heard of the outstanding evil cultivator with this surname from the jade slips written by Zhuo Pengju, but he had vaguely heard of it. However, there is a small evil cultivator sect that was originally inconspicuous, and it seems to have a tendency to grow gradually.

That evil cultivator seems to be a small sect located in the Qiqing Realm. When Feng Jing overheard Zhuo Pengju talking with others, this sect had already recovered all the major sects in the Qiqing Realm. Originally, the Qiqing Realm belonged to Sanshan The small sects in Sihe all threw themselves under that sect.Xuehua Mountain is indeed a sect within the Seven Emotions Realm, if it is transferred to the Shangqing Sect, it is not impossible.

That sect seems to be called... Shangqing Sect.

"Shangqingzong?" Yunying learned the name from Fengyou's seal, her eyes moved slightly, and she stared at Xianyuyi again.

Xian Yuyi was still looking at him with a smile. Although she still had Xiangchang's face on her face, her brows and eyes were full of emotion, with an irresistible charm.

Shang Qingzong, Qiqingyu, is very close to his current appearance.

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