No matter what Feng Jing thinks, Su Minglang has already made up his mind to hold on to his junior sister's thighs, gain more knowledge, and meet more opponents who can fight.

Speaking of opponents...

Su Minglang suddenly asked: "Brother Crocodile, what do you want to eat? If you accept him, you can't let him starve from the food!"

"Ordinary monsters can eat blood." Cui Zun replied immediately, and Yun Ying copied it verbatim, "Heavenly materials and earthly treasures above the sixth level can also be used, but this kind of monsters can endure hunger, and they can't be eaten for more than ten years." It’s okay to eat, so don’t worry about feeding it.”

These words also reminded Yunying, and secretly squeezed out two drops of blood and put them into the beast card.

Since she was promoted to the level of blood refining, the yin and yang energy in the blood has become much purer. One drop of blood can make Yixiang full for five or six days. Before leaving Mingyuezong, she secretly gave Yixiang two drops of blood, and then the evil cultivators attacked her. , was told by Gao Yi to pay attention to undercover, and found that there were many things wrong in the secret realm, so he was so focused on it that he forgot about Yixiang.

Now hearing Su Minglang's reminder, Yunying suddenly remembered.

In the beast card, Yixiang was already so hungry that her figure was a bit illusory. She stuck to the ground and twisted and twisted, crawling aimlessly. Seeing Yunying's spiritual consciousness entering the beast card, she hurriedly raised her head, like a bird He let out a low cry: "Hungry..."

Good guy, I'm so hungry I can talk.

Yunying laughed, and sent two extra drops of blood in, so that she could have a full feast.

Yixiang swallowed the blood immediately, her body solidified immediately, she turned over and stroked her stomach and let out a long breath.

Yunying looked at Yixiang with a smile, and suddenly remembered that Yixiang had inherited memories, so she asked her: "Do you know the origin of the Haidong Secret Realm?"

Yixiang looked bewildered, and shook her head after thinking for a long time.

Probably because it was uncomfortable lying on the ground, she pulled the blades of grass beside her and put it under her head. After thinking for a long time, she still shook her head.

The environment in the high-level beast card is still very good, and with Yunying's yin and yang blood, Yixiang feels that she can stay in the card for the rest of her life.

Seeing that she fell asleep after eating, Yunying poked her small forehead in dissatisfaction, and asked, "What about Lingxiao Academy, have you heard of the name?"

Haidong Secret Realm is what monks in this world call this small world. Mengying may not have heard of it, but Lingxiao Academy is the name engraved on the archway outside the library building. It is not a name given by outsiders. Maybe Yixiang has heard of it of.

Sure enough, when she heard the word "Ling Xiao", Yixiang straightened her eyes, and after thinking hard for a long time, she spread her hands and evolved the handwriting.

Yun Ying sighed: "I'm going to say I'm hungry, so I can learn to speak, why can't I learn a few more words?"

Yixiang turned her head and snorted, but she refused to speak again anyway, and explained to her in Qingling language.

"Ling Xiao...Ling Xiao Emperor's Palace was built ten thousand years ago by the joint efforts of the two worlds of spirits and monsters. It accommodates many monks and has an all-inclusive power. Even some monks from the ghost world can join it, but later they fought against the demon world. , Many great powers have fallen, and the Lingxiao Emperor's Palace has also been dismantled and disintegrated, and there is no trace of it anymore..."

Ten thousand years ago?so long?

Lingxiao Emperor Palace and Lingxiao Academy are by no means the same meaning.The imperial palace is obviously wider and larger than the academy.

Yixiang said that the Lingxiao Emperor's Palace was dismantled and disintegrated. Could it be that the Haidong Secret Realm is a part of it?

Did the Demon Realm know this, so they wanted to destroy the Haidong Secret Realm?

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