Chapter 631
"What?" Xian Yuyi didn't dare to turn her head, for fear that Yu Feiran would see through the stiffness on her face.

"Where Su Xinbai's results are, there are often seventh-level demon snakes guarding them. If my senior brother and I join hands to kill the demon snake, can senior brother give me the snake's teeth and guts?" In the meantime, every sound is like the sound of jade and stone hitting each other, cold and with a unique rhythm.

Xian Yuyi's heart was flustered by the cold voice, and then she understood the meaning of the words, and said with a smile: "Of course, snake gall and snake teeth are all things for refining medicine, I don't need them, naturally Give it all to Junior Brother."

Yu Feiran nodded slightly: "Then thank you, brother."

After he finished this sentence, he didn't say anything more, Xian Yuyi still felt a little regretful.

However, when he recalled the terrifying scheming under Yunying's sensuality, which was like ice-cold sandy watermelon, he shuddered unconsciously.

A person with a nice voice may have a particularly deep mind.

Thinking of this, he was still full of vigilance.

After walking through the rugged mountain road and turning over a few small cliffs, the three of them arrived at another river valley full of pure hearts and hundreds of fruits.

Suxin Baijie is only half a person tall, and there are three branches growing in the north, southwest, and southeast directions, and three palm-sized oval leaves are stretched in three directions on each branch.

The leaves are dark green and thick, like three palms extending in different directions, holding a fingernail-sized, pearl-like fruit.

All three fruits are ripe.

Yu Feiran narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned to look at Xian Yuyi: "Senior Brother Xiang, the three of us will deal with that monster snake together."

Xian Yuyi thought about it, and felt that this was a good opportunity to make a move, so he readily agreed.

The trick is very unexpected, when he was dealing with another monster snake the day before yesterday, Yu Feiran easily took care of it, why not repeat the same trick now, instead suggest three people to cooperate together.

The seventh-order demon snake is the same color as the chaotic rocks in the river valley, and it is entrenched under the Suxin Baijie tree. Someone has an arm as thick as it is, and its length is immeasurable. Look at it circles the Suxin Baijie tree three times, but its tail can still hang down. In the stream in the distance, I slapped the stream, and I knew that it was twenty feet long at the shortest.

This kind of monster snake is not a spirit, and it doesn't know too many twists and turns, but there is one thing that is very troublesome.

When it is about to die, it will spit out a mouthful of venom and burn the roots of the Suxin Lilywood, causing the fruit to rot immediately, and the whole spiritual tree will also die immediately, so that no one can get this spiritual fruit.

Therefore, it is very necessary to move it away from the Suxin Baijie Wood, at least a dozen feet away, so that the venom cannot be sprayed on the Spirit Wood.

Yu Feiran ordered Huayang to attack the snake's Qicun, luring it away from Suxin Baijiemu. Xian Yuyi restrained the snake's tail after the monster snake left, and took the opportunity to pick three Suxin Baijies.

Xian Yuyi thought about the flaws that the two of them would reveal when fighting the demon snake, nodded in agreement, called out the double mace, looked at Hua Yang, and acted separately.

Yu Feiran watched him use the double mace, the chill in his eyes became more obvious.

Hua Yang has a solid eye, and if he said he wanted to hit Qicun, he would go straight for Qicun.

He is a cultivator of the earth attribute, with a single grasp of both hands, he grabbed more than a dozen ground thorns, and rushed towards the monster snake with extreme speed.

The monster snake is a seventh-level monster. Of course, it can't pierce the snake's scales with the blood refining monk's technique, but even so, the taste of pain still makes it furious, and immediately straightened up and bit Hua Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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