The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 654 Stone Pillar Technique

Su Minglang was staggered by the push, and was about to turn around and use his sandbag-sized fist to teach Feng Jing what it means to respect the old and love the young, when Yun Ying asked from a distance: "Brother, do you want to continue collecting strange water?"

Su Minglang was startled, and then said: "Of course I collect it! Why don't you accept it!"

The luckiest time in his life is now. If he doesn't take the opportunity to get more good things, he will feel sorry for himself!
Thinking about it, he trotted back to his original position and continued to collect the strange water quickly.

Feng Jing didn't continue, he didn't want these water spiritual things, obviously the spirits didn't like him very much, and now he helped Su Minglang find Qingyu Liulibing, he didn't want to feel wronged by groping around in the waterfall up.

He walked slowly to Yun Ying's side, looked at the jade slips in her hand that were shining brightly one after another, and asked in a low voice, "How long will it take to burn it?"

"Three days." Yunying replied without turning her head.

Feng Jing leaned in front of her curiously, stared at her face, and suddenly opened her mouth in surprise: "Your eyes..."

Yun Ying glanced at him, her eyes were still amber, Feng Jing was startled, was the water-colored blue light just his illusion?

"It's okay, you continue." Feng Jing waved her hand to signal that she doesn't have to care about what she said.

Yunying looked directly at Wandao Waterfall again, and wholeheartedly manipulated her spiritual consciousness to climb up the stone wall.

The higher you go, the more blurred the text is, and the mist splashed from the waterfall is like the curling smoke on Xuanji Peak, making it hard for people to see things three inches away.

Yun Ying tried her best to stick her spiritual consciousness to the engraved words, like a rock climber with her hands and feet tightly gripping a stone, so that the filaments of her spiritual consciousness stick tightly between the indentations of the engraved words.

Feng Jing looked at her eyes carefully, and saw that water-green luster appeared in her eyes again, she was surprised, but she didn't bother again, but took out the complete exercises that Yun Ying had collected in the Zhenlei position before, and put Rearrange the first few lines of Finding Direction.

The first two paragraphs introduce the origin and utility of the Bagua Tianshui Pool. Regarding the utility, Feng Jing did not tell Su Minglang, because the things involved behind it are too bizarre, and it is useless for him to know it now, and it may interfere with his current situation. Cultivate the state of mind, so Feng Jing didn't say anything.

Two paragraphs later, it was the cultivation method recorded by Zhenlei. The eight monks recorded were Emperor Lei Ze, Empress Yuehua, Empress Liuyin, Emperor Qingling, Emperor Suzheng, Empress Haoyang, and Xuanshuo. Dijun and Yusheng Dijun.

That's right, the last one was the Emperor Yusheng who was full of murals in the cave that Yan Yi led everyone to find before.

This is what Feng Jing finds strange.

Of course, that cave may not have been left by Emperor Yusheng himself. A person who can be called emperor should not leave a cave that is so simple.But since the life of Emperor Yusheng is described in such detail in the mural, it can be seen that the master of the cave knows him very well, and it is very likely that he is the attendant of the emperor.

Even the attendants by the emperor's side are masters who are out of reach for ordinary people. How could the cave he left behind appear in the cultivation world?Feng Jing suspected this when she was in Yusheng Cave Mansion, but she never found the answer.

Now he found a clue in the Lingxiao Academy, how could he not be surprised.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was strange enough that he had never thought of this emperor referring to the power of the Four Emperors.

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