Out of [-] people, only four or five fall due to exhaustion or poor breath control, which is not too difficult.

Therefore, Yunying didn't think that she would not be able to climb up.

Feng Jing's physical strength is stronger than hers, but she always maintains the same rhythm as Yunying. If she is faster, he will be faster.If she is slow, he will also be slow.After climbing like this for a long time, he also gradually felt that Yunying was deliberately controlling his physical strength, and he also gained some benefits by learning this way, and his body was much less tired than imagined

The two climbed smoothly, but the monks who came after the two couldn't bear their slow speed.

This cultivator is a disciple of Zixia Palace, probably proficient in physical skills, he climbed more than a hundred steps in the blink of an eye, and caught up with Yunying Fengjing who came half an hour earlier than him, and then had to slow down with the speed of the two. down.

He was impatient, and after climbing three or four steps slowly, he couldn't help but say, "You two, can you hurry up!"

When Yun Ying and Feng Jing heard the shout that was as loud as a bull's roar, Qi Qi looked back at him and saw that this man had a red face and short hair sticking up straight. Although he was wearing a purple robe, he didn't look like a monk. , like a green forest hero who wants to block the road and cut the path.

The two couldn't help being somewhat interested in him.

This looks like a body repairer, and he is already at the bone forging level, but he didn't see it at the exchange conference last time.

Yun Ying said: "Brother, if you are in a hurry, the two of us can make way for you."

As she spoke, she was about to let go of one arm and hide to the side, but the monk quickly stopped her: "Don't, don't, don't, don't!"

Looking at the small arms and legs of this junior sister, I was really worried that she would fall if she let go.

"You two just walk a little faster, don't keep dawdling like this, push me down, I feel so uncomfortable!" Ti Xiu looked sincerely embarrassed, but Yunying said that she could only go so slowly.

"My companion and I are not physical practitioners, so naturally we can only walk slowly. If senior brother is in a hurry, you may as well pass us, it's not a problem." Yunying said, while releasing her right hand, she tried her best to grab the hemp rope on the left Turning her body sideways, Feng Jing also followed suit, giving way to the right path for the huge physique.

Ti Xiu's violent temper came and went quickly, seeing the two people being so polite to him, he felt embarrassed, quickly grabbed the rope and jumped up a few times, climbed to the top of Yunying's head, turned back and smiled at the two: " Thank you, my name is Sui Shan, go up and wait for you two! Be sure to come up!"

Yunying Fengjing nodded slightly, said "definitely", and watched him climb up quickly.

Every time he climbed a step, he turned around and shouted "you must come up", and he kept climbing until the figures of the two were just a small spot in his eyes before he stopped looking back.

Feng Jing looked at his Yiqi Juechen's back and sighed: "I should have known that I also practice two physical arts."

Yunying smiled: "There are so many people in the world who knew earlier."

She was not disturbed by this little episode, and she was still climbing up at a leisurely pace.

After all, she was still physically not strong enough, and when she climbed the first three thousand steps, she could still adjust her tired body by herself.At the [-]th to [-]th level, the arms, legs and feet began to tremble uncontrollably, and the waist and limbs were sore and swollen.At the [-]th to [-]th step, she was already sweating like rain, the yellow shirt was soaked in sweat, and it was tightly attached to her arms. Her whole body was trembling uncontrollably. Feng Jing was climbing below her, and she could feel it from time to time. Seeing her sweat dripping on the back of her hand.

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