The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 673 Qinglian Purifies Fire

Chapter 673 Qinglian Purifies Fire

Following Feng Jing's guidance, when they arrived outside the entrance of the said secret passage, Yun Ying became more certain of her guess.

This secret road indeed leads from the outside of the ice shell to the inside of the mountain. It is straight and unobstructed, without hindrance, and can accommodate two carriages without interfering with each other. This is obviously not something that monks who have entered the secret land of Haidong before can do.

This should be a secret passage dug out at the beginning of Bingyan Island's establishment. The original intention was to allow monks to enter the core and accept Qingluan's test.

But later this secret passage was frozen up.

"You said you were going to use my Qinglian to purify the fire, did you guess this?" Feng Jing quietly asked Yun Ying as she placed a thick block of ice that blocked the entire passage.

Yunying said truthfully: "I didn't expect such a lost path, but I just thought that if I want to enter the mountainside, I have to rely on Qinglian to purify the fire."

Among all Feng Jing's different fires, Qinglian Jinghuo is the softest one, and does not have too strong attack power.

But it is a rare spiritual fire of water and wood, which can burn water, wood and spiritual objects. Although it is not as strong as the jade mirror fire, ice jade flame, etc. The different fire should be too strong.

What's more, it still has Yunying's help right now.

Although Sui Shan yearns for Qingluan the most, he seems to be a spectator at the moment, he can only watch the performance of the two of them, but he dare not do anything.

In fact, the two of them didn't dare to let him do things at all. His biceps were almost as big as Yun Ying's head, and what he was best at was Lun Yuan threw his arms at the target, breaking all spells with one punch.

He had already collapsed two or three small glaciers before, and if he continued to smash down, he didn't know what would happen. Right now, it's better for him not to move as a mountain.

The two wanted him to do this, so Sui Shan had no choice but to be obedient, and stood by the side without moving, opening a pair of slightly drooping leopard eyes, watching the two's movements.

Feng Jing called Qinglianhuo to the palm of her hand, and sent it to Yunying's hands. Yunying's palms were charged, and a colorless air current flowed from top to bottom, slowly entangled the blue-purple flame.

As the name suggests, Qinglian Jinghuo should be in the shape of a ninety-nine 81-petal lotus in its full bloom. Fengjing is only in the mortal realm at the moment. Nine illusory light blue petals come.

The colorless air flow drilled into the snow-blue flame core from the center of the petals, and then it seemed to be dyed, turning into lavender air, which stretched the flame core extremely long, like hair, and divided into two strands to connect Yunying. left and right palms.

This colorless air flow is exactly the power of Xuanrong.

Cui Zun did not say whether the power of Xuanrong can be used to directly absorb the spiritual energy in spiritual objects, but she has experimented by herself. Before awakening the power of Xuanrong, she was able to extract the crystal ore of two colors mixed into pure Crystal ore, now you can naturally try to refine Qinglian Jinghuo.

Feng Jing said to her nervously: "Qinglian Jinghuo is a double species of water and wood. Pure tone water nourishes snow-covered purple lotus, and there is a possibility of Qinglian Jinghuo being bred in purple lotus lotus seeds. Lotus and water are inseparable. It is not enough to absorb wood gas to purify it, and some materials have to be added to it.”

Yun Ying also understood this point, before the two streams of purple air had time to connect to its palm, the thin strand of fire wrapped in it also shattered with a sudden sound.

Yunying looked at Qinglianhuo, which was a circle smaller in her palm, and thought for a while to create a ball of water in her palm.

(End of this chapter)

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