On top of the white jade, there are all kinds of exotic flowers and grasses, all of which are white and transparent in color. Although densely packed, it does not affect everyone's ability to see clearly the white jade runes covered by them.

The flowers and plants move automatically without wind, and the little fluorescent lights drift outward from the stamens, like a dream.

And at the very center of the hole, a white crystal the size of a fist was turning impressively. This crystal looked like a heart shape, floating and turning on the altar made of white jade, it seemed to be Qingluan's heart that everyone was looking for.

Sui Shan watched this scene with bated breath, his heart almost stopped beating.

Qiongying's fire melted the last layer of thin ice, and the scent burst into the nostrils. Sui Shan clearly saw that the spar was beating like a real heart, and immediately felt a fever in his head. catch.

In fact, halfway through this movement, he felt that there was a problem.

Why did it seem like it was out of control just now?
Immediately, vigilance arose in my heart, and I wanted to stop my movements, but I was too old to change my moves.

What he didn't expect was that the heart was caught in his hand without any dodge.

There are no organs on the altar?
Holding the spar in his hand, Sui Shan could clearly feel a faint heartbeat in it, and he became more and more sure that this must be the legendary Qingluan's heart!
After the ecstasy, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

It's not that there's something wrong with his heart, but...why didn't Junior Sister Yunying stop him?

Although the three of them have known each other for less than half a month, he is also a reckless and rude person who does not take things to heart, but in a sense, roughness also means accurate intuition. He has dated countless people, and he is almost indifferent to others' personalities It is clear at a glance.

Yunying hasn't hidden her actions in the past few days, showing her ruthless and merciless character to the fullest.

She said that this heart must be kept by her first, and then go to see Cuicui with him after leaving the secret realm. Although Sui Shan is doing this temporarily, it will definitely make her unhappy.

Even if he wasn't unhappy, he should be the first to snatch the heart into his hands.

But now Yun Ying just followed Feng Jing slowly, as if she didn't notice his movements at all, looking at the various complicated runes on the jade bi.

"Junior Sister?" He called out cautiously.

Yunying turned her head, with a strange smile in her eyes.

"This... this heart is for you to keep... we agreed..." A sense of alertness suddenly rose in his heart, but before he could react, he subconsciously reached out and handed the heart to Yun Ying.

"Of course I'll take care of it." Yunying said lightly, smiling even more strangely, when she reached out to catch the heart, a silver light flashed between her brows, and the knife rushed straight to his face.

Sui Shan shuddered all over, and used all his strength to dodge to the left, but his neck was cut by the sharp knife, and blood gushed out everywhere, leaving a bloodstain on the ground.

He clutched his bleeding neck, turned his head and looked at Yunying in astonishment, but Yunying didn't explain at all, just manipulated the knife gang with that weird smile, attacking him left and right.

He was at a disadvantage when he started his hand, and now he could only dodge by clutching his neck left and right. Even so, Sui Shan still didn't feel angry, but just felt that something was wrong.

He is not a person who is good at thinking, but subconsciously feels that everything in front of him is very wrong
Why did Junior Sister attack him suddenly?The two people next to him... He looked at Feng Jing and Xiao Miao and his eyes widened in surprise.

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