The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 802 Important Choices

The two fell together with the scattered boulders. Whether they hit the sharp stones just halfway up the mountain or fell to the ground, it seemed that they would inevitably die all at once.

Before Feng Jing could react, Ah Lin hugged Feng Jing tightly, trying to put her body down and use it as a meat pad for him, so that she might be able to hold his life.

"What are you doing!" Feng Jing was very surprised by this, "Zhuo Jingxiu has saved your life, and it's not me, how can you do this!"

Ah Lin didn't answer, but just firmly protected his head, enduring the broken stones piercing into his body.

Yunying suddenly took over her body inexplicably at this time, she was startled for a while, and then she understood what choice to make at this time.

Feng Jing's miraculous technique of enveloping her body in flames and leading people to travel thousands of miles a day can also be used now.It's just that he didn't know if he would have to pay the price if he used it.

Even when she was in Yujian Yunying, Feng Jing hadn't fully figured out how much the gift of fate would cost him in the future.

He was afraid of the feeling of being burned by the fire, and he was afraid of going to that ending again, so he didn't dare to use anything related to the origin of the phoenix lightly.

But right now, if she doesn't use it, Ah Lin will die.

Yun Ying used that technique without hesitation, and clasped Ah Lin's wrist with both hands in reverse, the fire light overflowed from his fingertips and poured onto Ah Lin's body.

Ah Lin felt as if she had become a cluster of free candles, her falling speed gradually slowed down, and she gradually distanced herself from the still falling stones, and the terrifying weightlessness was slowly fading away.

Ah Lin's eyes widened in disbelief, and she looked at Feng Jing who seemed to be bathed in firelight.

Feng Jing's complexion was very bad, and she said viciously: "You still don't let go! Are you trying to scald me to death by hugging each other!"

Ah Lin let go of her hand obediently, even though the two were still in mid-air at this time, their safety was still not guaranteed.

The moment Yun Ying released the flame, he was switched to the onlooker state again, and after hearing Feng Jing's words, he laughed out loud in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

Sure enough, Feng Jing also chose the same way back then, but after the selection, she had to say harsh words to show that she was not soft-hearted and flustered with guilt.

He is indeed a thorny child who holds everything in his heart and refuses to tell others.

This test ended here, and it was so fast that Yun Ying didn't expect it.After all, she stayed in her father's body for almost five or six years. Even though most of the scenes were fast-forwarded, Yun Ying could still feel her father's life for several years, helping her father fight countless times.

Although she also experienced Feng Jing's years, but that is not the theme, and there is no place that needs her help. The only place where she needs to make a choice is here. After it is done, the test is gone.

This extreme contrast made Yun Ying feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not unreasonable.Father's life was very long, and the transformation process after gaining independent will was also very long. In comparison, Feng Jing's life was not long at all, but it was only when he met her that the real turning point came. not much.

From this point of view, she is quite proud.

After all, if she hadn't met her, Feng Jing might still be an annoying young master, treating the world with a bad heart.

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