The scar on Lu Changheng's head is very scary. There is only a point as long as a fingernail on his forehead, but under his thick hair, there is a long gap.

When Cen Shuying saw this scar while washing his hair, she couldn't help but gasped: "You have to go to the hospital! It was raining just now, it will fester!"

"No." Lu Changheng said resolutely, with a very childish complacency in his tone, "It's not like he hasn't fought before, and I'm still alive."

"But..." Cen Shuying wanted to say that it was raining this time, but she knew Lu Changheng's temper, so it was useless even if she said it, so she murmured a few times, and finally did not persuade him to go to the hospital, but said that at home It seems that some medicine can be used, so she went to search for it.

Lu Changheng was alone in the bathroom, with his head in the sink, and washed the hideous scar with cold water indifferently.

Cen Shuying walked cautiously to the living room, found a small medicine box in the TV cabinet, and brought it to her bedroom.

She was as careful as a thief, but the real unexpected guest, Lu Changheng, was at ease as if at home, with a towel on his shoulders, water dripping from his hair and clothes, there was rain, and there was water on his body when he washed his hair just now. Just like that, she walked back to Cen Shuying's bedroom drippingly.

Cen Shuying frantically rummaged to find the hair dryer, told him to keep the volume down, and just use the first gear to dry her hair. Then she closed the door tightly, rushed into the bathroom, rinsed the mop quietly, and wiped off the water stains on the floor.

Although Lu Changheng didn't care much about anything, he didn't sit directly on Cen Shuying's bed. He took off her cushion and sat on a chair beside the writing desk. His eyes were still covered by his dried hair, and he looked still very gloomy.

Cen Shuying was not afraid of his gloom, but just asked him if he wanted to take another bath.

"No need." Lu Changheng said, "I have no clothes to change."

"Then—" Cen Shuying couldn't help looking at the scar that became more obvious after blowing his hair fluffy.

"Why did your father beat you? Did you quarrel with your stepmother again?"

Lu Changheng nodded, but he didn't say why he was arguing.

Yunying understands the family background of this little boy who looks like a prickly head, but he can't understand why this prickly head becomes friends with the obviously good girl Cen Shuying, so that he doesn't go anywhere in this heavy rainy day. Run to her house.

But neither of them was talking, Lu Changheng just flipped through the comic book on the table, reading it with gusto.Cen Shuying was extremely sleepy, yawned twice, and looked up at the clock on the wall.

It's already 10:30, and she usually goes to bed at nine o'clock.

"Do you want to sleep?" Cen Shuying finally couldn't help asking him.

Lu Changheng closed the comic book and thought about it, then nodded.

"But where do you want to sleep?" Cen Shuying said, turning her eyes to the outside of the room. If she wanted to, she would put Lu Changheng on the sofa. At most, she would add two more beds of her own mattress. His wet clothes should not be wet. Dirty sofa.

But Lu Changheng obviously didn't intend to sleep in the living room: "Go to sleep, I'll just lie on the table."

Cen Shuying opened her mouth, unable to speak, and half a minute later, she faltered and said, "This is not good."

"What's wrong?" Lu Changheng glanced at her.

Cen Shuying closed her mouth, and was about to turn off the lights. After thinking about it, she couldn't help but take out a small quilt from the cabinet: "Then you can sleep with this."

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