Chapter 810
It is precisely because of the characteristic of the Ten Thousand Flower Vine that it is "harmonious with the light and the dust", at first glance, it is only thought that it is a flower with two pedicles, and it is not expected that there is a Ten Thousand Flower Vine entwined here.Only when you look carefully with your spiritual sense can you find the thin vines wrapped around the flower stems.

Although the vine was found, it still took a lot of effort to remove it intact.

Because those vines that are as thin as hair will be entangled between the flowers and leaves, you must follow the vines, carefully remove them, and then look for the relatively thick main vine in the vine net, and grope all the way to find where they take root .

Only in this way can the vitality and integrity of Wanhua vine be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

In fact, this ten thousand-flower vine was planted by the disciple of Youhuangzhai who entered the secret realm hundreds of years ago. After finding out that there was such a sea of ​​flowers full of fifth- and sixth-order spiritual grass in the Xiyue River Valley, the suzerain kept himself for a long time. The seeds of the ten thousand flower vines were given to the disciples, and they were brought here for planting.

Now is the time to come in to look for harvests, but this vine is a tenth-order spiritual herb, and every flower that blooms can replace any sixth-order spiritual herb to refine medicine, which shows the value of this vine.

This kind of spiritual grass has naturally developed its self-protection ability to the extreme. Although Bai Yujing has found a branch vine, it is still not easy to continue to explore along this branch to find other vines.

A fire flashed in Fengjing's eyes. Originally, the fire was bright red, but now with Qiong Yinghuo, the fire turned into a very gentle reddish color. Bai Yujing and Bai Yujiao met his eyes inadvertently, and were blinded by him. The fire-lit eyes were startled, and then quickly lowered his head, carefully looking forward along the vines.

Gently flick your fingers over the vines, a little heavier will break the delicate vines, so this process is a test of one's strength control.Bai Yujing and Bai Yujiao fumbled nervously along the vine, and finally found another orchid-like flower that it was entangled in.

The two were even more careful, their hands were trembling with nervousness, and they took down the orchid it grew from.Then they untied the vines one by one, and after finishing this, the two of them glanced at Feng Jing in unison, but found that Feng Jing didn't pay attention to them, and had already concentrated on groping along a vine, concentrating on it. The vines with bright flowers were untied from the flowers and plants.

Although everyone is doing the same thing, it is slightly different on Feng Jing. Although his stature has not fully grown, he has already shown a heroic temperament, and the edges and corners of his face are gradually becoming clear. In the almost enchanting beauty, the toughness of the man is gradually revealed. The contradiction formed by the combination of enchanting and severe makes the already beautiful face even more attractive.

However, in such attractive eyes, there is complete indifference and inhumanity.

All of a sudden, Bai Yujing and Bai Yujiao's hearts were dimmed, and Bai Yujuan who was at the side also sneaked glances at Feng Jing's face from time to time, but she immediately retracted her glance, and looked at Bai Yuchan hesitantly.Bai Yuchan was still unmoved, and only looked up occasionally to meet the eyes of a few sisters.

Yu Simeng inadvertently raised her head to see the eyes and expressions of the four people, and sighed slightly in her heart.She knew this feeling all too well.When she saw Feng Jing on Xuanji Peak before, she was also shocked in the same way.

(End of this chapter)

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