In fact, this glance was just a gesture, Feng Jing knew what was going on, she turned her gaze back to the two groups of people in front of and behind her and said, "Please allow me to be fair, the method of searching the storage bag, in my opinion... ...unwise."

As soon as this remark came out, the expression of the cultivator on the other side changed dramatically
"Why, you want to protect these thieves!" Under the rage, others didn't care whether he was Feng Nigu's son, and his words became very rude.

Feng Jing smiled half-smile: "No, no, no. Firstly, these senior sisters haven't found any filth on them, so they can't be called thieves. You really need to be more polite when speaking. Secondly..."

Feng Jing turned around and said with a smile: "I think only a fool would put it in a storage bag after stealing a treasure like the Essence Essence. Wouldn't he have thought that the theft of this thing would cause To attract the attention of others? Wouldn't he think that once he is caught up, the first thing he will do is to search the storage bag?"

These words made everyone silent, and made the expressions of the four sisters of the Bai family turn pale in an instant.

Just now their moods could be described as ups and downs, Feng Jing suddenly flashed this cold and strange flame, bursting out with a dangerous aura that everyone found unmatched, Bai Yuchan thought that he was going to make decisions for Su Minglang, and handed them over.

Unexpectedly, Feng Jing actually defended them between words. Although he didn't understand why he changed his gender, he felt a little more at ease after all.

I didn't expect him to say such words again at this moment. Although it didn't seem to be aimed at them, who knows what this capricious and beautiful boy is thinking.

Seeing his slightly mean and mocking smile, the sisters of the Bai family gradually felt uneasy.

Chen Fengluan also frowned slightly: "Junior Brother Zhuo, according to what you said, you can't find anything in the storage bag, so what should we do? Is this the way to leave this matter?"

After a pause, he said again: "Are you going to use the soul search technique on these junior sisters?"

When the words "Soul Search Technique" came out, everyone was shocked.The monks have always kept a respectful distance from the spell that has always been regarded as a forbidden spell that fluctuates between good and evil.What's more, if you really use the soul search technique on the sisters of the Bai family who are also cultivators, it will become unreasonable if it spreads that they are really justified.

This is a suggestion that can be rejected without consideration, but Feng Jing seems to have considered it quite seriously.

The monks around Chen Fengluan became nervous again, they all thought that if Feng Jing really nodded and said a good word, then they were trying to push them into the pit, but they still wanted to protect the Bai family sisters.

If this is the case, they really don't care about whether Feng Nigu is Feng Nigu or not. No matter how fierce the cold flame is, they don't believe that Feng Jing really has the guts to burn everyone!
After thinking about it seriously, Feng Jing shook her head and said no.

"I think this method is still very stupid. If they are really thieves, then there is no need to say anything, the evidence is conclusive, and the wrongdoer has a debtor. But if they are not, what went wrong in the process of searching for the soul , and then other people blackmail you, what should you do?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled meaningfully: "Otherwise, this kind of dangerous thing only needs to be done by one person. Why do you have to come together with four? It's not that you are ready to sacrifice which one at any time."

Although he stood with the Bai family sisters, he seemed to be completely on the side of Chen Fengluan when he spoke, and his attitude made people puzzled.

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