Bai Yujing didn't speak. Indeed, she felt that this method was very unsafe from the very beginning, let alone disagreed.Stealing the essence is enough to make them irreversible, even if they succeed in obtaining the essence, they still have to contribute their efforts.

They have to make sacrifices to survive the near-death again and again, and the family doesn't need to pay anything except for being crippled.After the incident was revealed, they could also place all the responsibility on the four sisters.

This kind of thing, as long as a person with a normal mind would not want to agree, at least not willingly agree.

However, Bai Yuchan has already agreed, and unlike her, Bai Yujiao, and even her own sister Bai Yujuan, Bai Yuchan really wants to go through fire and water for the family.

It's just that when she went up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, she never went alone, she must pull the other three people with her.

Maybe she thinks everyone thinks the same as she must. She has been so determined and arbitrary since she was a child.

"Actually, I also think she is right, maybe because I don't know what is right at all. She seems to be more determined than me, so I think it must be because what she thinks is right, but I am wrong. .”

Bai Yujing grinned when she said this: "I've always thought so, so I've always listened to her. But now, I don't want to listen."

She told Su Minglang that the Bai family was in the vermilion fruit business, and there were many wild vermilion fruits in Lianzhou City, and the people in the city vigorously planted them, so they could grow innumerable vermilion fruits every year.

It's just that Lianzhou is located between Pengze Lake and Shiwanda Mountain, with a vast lake on one side and continuous mountains on the other, so it is difficult to transfer it in large quantities.However, vermilion fruit, a fifth-order elixir, is the main medicine of many elixirs. No matter how it is preserved, it can only keep fresh for three days at most after being picked from the branches, even if it is stored in the best quality jade box. Preservation can't stop its decline.

Therefore, the problem is not the cultivation and picking of vermilion fruit, but how to transport them in large quantities.

The transportation method of the Bai family is flying boats. The family has a flying boat, which is regarded as a low-grade magic weapon. It can carry more than 300 stones of vermilion fruits, and it also has a basic defensive magic circle. It only needs a dozen bone-forging-level people to escort and transport it. Monks are fine.After a few trips, the export of Zhu Guo can be solved.

Relying on this flying boat, the Bai family can be regarded as monopolizing Zhu Guo's transportation, seizing the greatest benefits, and dominating the city of Lianzhou.

However, such a huge benefit will always attract others to compete for it.

The Bai family also anticipated this situation early in the morning, and planned to find a backer for themselves a long time ago.

They rely on the core disciples of a big family in Dengzhou City, and hand over [-]% of Zhu Guo's business profits every year. Relying on the protection of that disciple, they have kept the business stable until now.

But there are also disputes within the big family, even more intense than ordinary small families.The core disciple that the Bai family relied on was unfortunately defeated in a family competition and left with extremely serious internal injuries. Since then, his progress in cultivation has plummeted. He actually gave birth to a demon and committed suicide three years ago.

The Bai family didn't know how to cook cold stoves, so the new disciples who replaced them looked down on the Bai family very much, and did not accept the offerings from the Bai family, and instead supported another small family.

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