The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 846 Advanced Difficulty

Chapter 846 Advanced Difficulty
Just listening to the crackling sound, Yang Yueling couldn't be completely relieved. Only when the air of ice and fire was sucked into his body, Yang Yueling was completely at ease.

When other sword cultivators helped protect the Dharma before, they couldn't completely block the sword gang. Even if the sword gang was smashed, there were still many aftermaths remaining in the air of ice and fire. Inhaling the Qi into the body, I just feel the meridian dantian is as painful as being pricked by a needle.

If it's just pain, she can't bear it, but those "sword scum" can really destroy her meridians and dantian. After absorbing the ice and fire air four or five times, cracks will appear in her dantian, making it impossible for her to continue.

Four or five times, it was already the best time. In the next few experiments, the effect was worse each time, and the pain was more severe each time. Later, Yang Yueling, a monk with the green fire and ice magic body, saw The air of ice and fire felt his calves trembling.

But this time, Yunying really chopped the knife gang into pieces, leaving no scum, and the ice and fire energy drawn into her body was very pure, and she felt comfortable and calm after absorbing it.

Yang Yueling felt that after the matter was accomplished, she must give Yun Ying a knock. This time she finally found her own superiority over the icy and fire qi. Although the icy and fire qi fit her very well a few times before, it can make up for some of the sword In the end, he couldn't resist the damage he caused a few times, and it was almost enough to blow him to pieces.

Right now there is no sword to disrupt the situation, she absorbs the energy of ice and fire very smoothly, and completely integrates them into her aura.

The color of the two auras on her body became more and more obvious, and their shapes became more and more distinct. It could be seen that they were two pythons flying around her.

No, not just python.

While dealing with Dao Gang, Yun Ying cast out her spiritual sense and glanced at her. With just one glance, she could understand the final form of her kung fu.

Right now it's a python, but after Yang Yueling advances, the python will grow claws, and then the toes will gradually increase until it becomes a four-clawed dragon, and then it can grow horns and the last toe, turning into a double dragon of ice and fire.

If one can cultivate to that level, this technique will be invincible.

However, it is conceivable that it is very difficult to cultivate the Dao. Yang Yueling can be regarded as a hard worker, and his talent is excellent, but without this adventure, he does not know how many years it would take to turn his aura into a python.

Even though it takes so much effort to transform the python, it will be more difficult to grow claws and horns in the future.

"Don't worry about whether it's difficult or not, I think it's quite difficult for you to cultivate Dao Gang to this level!" Cui Zun said suddenly.

Yun Ying was very surprised: "Have you improved enough to hear my heart?"

When he said this, there happened to be a powerful sword rushing towards his face, Yunying hurriedly used the Breaking Moon Saber Technique, fourteen swords merged into one to meet it, and could smash it into pieces, and then Yunying used another Many saber techniques wiped out the scattered saber energy one by one.

"Just roll your eyes, and I'll know what your plan is!" Cui Zun sneered, and said again, "You just can't practice like this, the efficiency is too low."

"Then what should we do?" Yun Ying asked sincerely.She also felt that only the blade attached to the Broken Frost Knife could be manipulated like an arm, and the other blades seemed too rigid and mechanical in comparison with the invisible blade.

But she can't grow thousands of hands and eyes out of thin air to control other knives.

A thousand hands and a thousand eyes!

A light suddenly flashed in Yunying's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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