The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 848 Unexpected Loop

Even so, Yun Ying quickly calmed down her helpless state of mind, and still concentrated on dealing with the swords that came all over the sky.

There were constant crackling sounds, and the saber energy scattered around Yunying like rain, and kept approaching Yang Yueling with the rush of ice and fire energy.

At this time, Yang Yueling had already entered a state of sedation, unable to defend against many sword qis at all.

Yun Ying swung the saber with all her strength, and the saber gang formed a dense piece, blocking the saber energy again, the two collided, and the air waves exploded one after another, even the icy and fire air that was lingering in the ball was pushed away by the explosion.

This blow exhausted the aura in Yunying's body, but it still didn't shatter all the saber aura. Some scattered saber aura broke through her blockade and headed towards Yang Yueling.

Yunying immediately mobilized the power of Xuanrong, and sucked all the saber energy into her body.

Although she had expected it in her heart, Yun Ying still gasped in pain when the saber energy was absorbed into her body.

"How dare you!" Cui Zun blamed with a little distress, and then asked, "Would you like to help?"

Yunying wanted to nod at first, but suddenly found that all the saber qi was absorbed by the yin and yang golden bone spiritual source, and after a superficial transformation, part of it was turned into aura, and part of it was thrown into the blood brake knife.

This process made Yunying startled.The Yin-Yang Gold Bone Body is a secondary product of the Sword Bone Body. Logically speaking, the most suitable thing for them should be the Sword Qi. Although the Sword Qi is also the Qi of Li Jin, it is not the most suitable thing. Why is it actively absorbed by them? past?

Cui Zun was also taken aback for a moment, but after asking that sentence, he sent Mu Qi to heal the wound in her meridian dantian, and quickly said to her: "This is a good opportunity, you have to seize it!"

Yun Ying didn't need him to remind herself, she was already aware of this.With the help of a little bit of spiritual energy transformed into the body after the sword qi enters the body, swing the knife again to slash at the surging knife gang, inhale the remaining scattered knife qi into the body, and after the transformation, slash out again, and so on. A rather difficult little cycle.

Relying on the water-thin aura in the small circulation, she can finally hold on for a while.

In fact, if it wasn't for Hongyu Mountain, Baiyu Cave and Yinxue occupying too much aura and mysterious power, Yun Ying wouldn't be able to cope with it so hard.But the current situation is like this, no matter what the reason is, it is true that she has more heart than strength at this time.

But often under such circumstances, she will do some amazing things, which can be regarded as a skill she inherited from Geng Jiu.

Thinking in his heart, Cui Zun couldn't help releasing wood energy to heal the small wounds cut by the knife energy.

The meridians opened and closed, becoming extremely flexible, and the same was true for the dantian, which expanded a little unconsciously.

Not only did Yunying feel this benefit, but she also clearly felt that after being inhaled into the body, these saber qi could not only be transformed into spiritual qi, but also some special invisible thing would be left in the yin and yang gold bone spiritual source.

In addition to controlling thousands of knives, she split a wisp of spiritual consciousness and threw it into the spiritual source. She suddenly felt like being hit in the head with a severe pain.

The movement of swinging the sword was sluggish for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, the invisible knife swept towards her like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.Yun Ying only felt the cold wind cut her face, she trembled all over her body, subconsciously raised the knife to resist, and then stretched out her hand to use the power of Xuanrong to pull the knife gang into her body.

If it was just tens of thousands of needles piercing at the same time, now it is like Ling Chi, the pain made her bite her lip.But at the same time, her spirituality was awakened by the severe pain, and she figured out what it was that caused her so much pain.

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