Once the spirit source of evil cultivation like Xuesha becomes happy, some accidents will happen.

After incorporating hostile energy into the spiritual source, the blood light radiating from Xue Fiend's body is even more dazzling. Under the light of blood, many spiritual sources have their own reactions.

Weaker spiritual sources naturally restrain their light and stay far away, but like Anhua, who have absorbed a unique spiritual source to produce spirituality, and a high-quality spiritual source such as Ice Phoenix and Snow Phoenix, they will naturally not be convinced by Qi and blood. Shame on this flamboyant action.

Immediately, the two sides began to fight, and many variegated auras converged in the center, which almost affected the Phoenix Divine Fire and Nine Nether Flame that imprisoned the Xueshadao.

Seeing this, Cui Zun scolded these spiritual sources for being ignorant, and sent Mu Qi out to separate the two sides.However, this remedial measure has very little effect. After all, he is not good at attacking. Although wood qi can slightly suppress other auras, it still cannot achieve the effect of suppressing them, let alone imprison them.

After only a short while, Ice Phoenix and Snow Phoenix's spirit source noticed that although Cui Zun's Wood Qi was of a high grade, it had no attacking power, and immediately reverted to his old ways, swirling boundless frost and attacking the Blood Fiend.

Fearing that these guys would make a big noise and make Yun Ying worse, Cui Zun's mind turned quickly, and immediately thought of another way to pay attention, pulling Yinxue and asking: "Can you pull the cracks of Hongyu Mountain and Baiyu Cave to this side? "

Yinxue understood, connected with Hongyu Mountain and Baiyu Cave, and pulled the two space cracks to the center of Dantian.

The cracks in the space kept rolling, as if a moat lay here, whether it was the frosty air in the ice phoenix or the hostile air in the blood fiend's spiritual source, their behavior so far was like falling into an abyss, absorbed by the two caves. clean.

As a result, the two sides stopped fighting due to fear, Cui Zun breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Yunying's sea of ​​consciousness.

These murderous intentions are surging and powerful, even if they are restrained by spiritual consciousness, they still surge in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.Fortunately, Yun Ying practiced Qingling Kungfu hard before, which expanded the sea of ​​consciousness very broadly, allowing it to roam freely.

While the killing intent was flying, the spiritual consciousness absorbed and fused it bit by bit. After getting used to the pain at first, things got on the right track, and the absorption became extremely smooth.

These murderous intentions were slowly accumulated by that senior in many battles and killings. A mortal disciple like Yunying often couldn't bear it. Yunying really felt quite pressured, almost lost in this towering sword forest Among the murderous intentions.

If it wasn't for the experience of "bending down" to her father before, and also experiencing an extremely tragic fight, which aroused her merciless killing intent, even if she was so cautious, she would probably be overwhelmed by her wits.

The right time, place, and people, although Yunying is not the inheritor of this senior's heart, but she is the only one who can withstand his murderous intentions for thousands of years. If this inheritance is not passed on to her, it cannot be passed on to others.So after absorbing about one-tenth of the murderous intent, Yunying's mind exploded, and it turned into nine volumes of text and slowly spread out, starting from the right hand, eight big characters with silver hooks and iron paintings were drawn.

Water and Fire Hunyuan Splitting Sky Saber Technique.

The mixed element of water and fire is naturally the attribute of the sword technique, and the word "cracking the sky" is a sign of its prestige. Yunying briefly glanced at the first article, and felt dazzled.

However, according to the general outline, the sky-cracking sword technique is not the whole content of the inheritance. After the inheritor was promoted to Hehejing, he comprehended a new set of sword techniques, and that is where the real inheritance lies.

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