In just a moment, Yun Ying bypassed countless towering stone forests, and caught up with the two flashing streamers just now.Those were also two women, they looked no more than eighteen or nineteen years old, one was wearing the vestment of Binghuo Pavilion, and the other was wearing Feng Nigu's clothes.

Yunying remembered their names, the female cultivator of Binghuo Pavilion was called Leng Qingying, the female cultivator of Fengnigu was called Luo Xiuyun, Leng Qingying was a cultivator of ice and fire like Yang Yueling, and Luo Xiuyun was a cultivator of swords.They all have Yang Yueling's aura on them, obviously Yang Yueling has also worked with them before.

At that time, they didn't succeed, so the two of them were fine. Unexpectedly, Yang Yueling persisted and found Yunying, and with Yunying's help, he broke the restriction.

It was also because of a moment of greed that she did such an immoral thing, so when she saw Yunying coming aggressively, apart from being horrified that she was able to break through the shackles of the spirit net when she was exhausted, she also felt a little ashamed of being caught by a thief .

"Junior Sister Yun, we..." Leng Qingying tried to speak, but Yunying didn't intend to talk to her at all, and as soon as she landed, she raised the Frost Breaking Knife and slashed down fiercely.

The Water and Fire Hunyuan Splitting Sky Saber Technique that I just learned just now comes in handy at this time.One blade with two blades, two blades of ice blue and fire red, like the wings of a phoenix, surrounded the two of them.

The sword qi whipped up endless winds, sealing off the way back from all directions, Leng Qingying and Luo Xiuyun had to deal with it in a hurry.

Luo Xiuyun also raised her long saber, and slashed out sixteen sabers in a row to protect the constantly advancing saber energy. She was practicing the four-season flower order saber technique, and at this time she was using the winter and spring circulating cold plum saber. The murderous intent disappeared, and even the blade seemed to disappear without a trace, leaving only the plum branches slanting horizontally and opening in random order.

Mei Duo unscrews and falls, soft and charming, but has its own drifting trajectory, seemingly comfortable, but props up a piece of vigorous vitality belonging to the winter and spring between the floating, blocking the cold frost knife air.

On the other end, Leng Qingying twirled the tactic quickly, and the frost under her feet condensed into lotuses, exploding outwards one after another, with continuous coldness, like a green gauze cabinet guarding her, blocking the dazzling red flame saber energy.

Even though they blocked the saber energy, the two of them knew that they were just struggling to support them, so they said to Luo Xiuyun in a cold voice transmission: "Senior sister, I think she seems to be serious, we should get out as soon as possible."

Luo Xiuyun said: "This saber technique is really powerful, but she is only a new learner. Although we are struggling to support it, she may not have enough aura to support such a tyrannical saber aura. We..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Yunying raised her left hand, and she couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Yunying's left thumb and forefinger twisted together, gently kneading into a saber tactic, the two airflows of the saber changed instantly, the frost besieging Luo Xiuyun turned into red flames, and the red flames approaching Leng Qingying cooled down into frost. People have never expected that she has comprehended this new sword technique to such an extent. Although she has not condensed the sword energy, she has fully comprehended the mystery of the flow of ice and fire, and easily reversed the attribute of the sword energy.

The two were barely resisting, but at this time the sword energy was overturned, but they were unable to respond in time. In an instant, the phantoms of plum blossoms all over the sky were burned to a crisp by the wildfire, and the green gauze cabinet made of frosty lotus flowers could not stop the frosty knife energy Even at the slightest, the figures of the two girls drew a long arc in the stone forest, and then landed heavily, smashing a long crack in the stiff ground.

Leng Qingying clutched her chest, trying to sit up, but felt her chest throbbing, almost suffocating.

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