The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 859 Recording and Translating

Chapter 859 Recording and Translating
Yunying didn't intend to kill them all, and was also very satisfied with the things in the storage bag, so she nodded to Yang Yueling.

Yang Yueling said conveniently: "Then Junior Sister Yun and I will accept it. This place is not very dangerous. The two senior sisters should be able to leave on their own, and we will not send each other away."

Leng Qingying and Luo Xiuyun couldn't wait for this sentence, they supported each other and walked away.

Yang Yueling watched their figures disappear into the mist of the stone forest with complicated eyes, looked away for a long time, and said to Yunying: "Junior Sister Yun, it's because I'm not serious about this matter that I'm dragging you down, please accept all of this storage bag .”

"No need." Yunying said, "You discovered the chance, and the greed was born by the two of them. Since it is compensation to the two of us, it will naturally be shared equally by the two of us."

Her voice has never been loud, but it always has a decisive meaning, so Yang Yueling obeys, but when dividing things, Yunying only wants that one fairy wax plum and many broken jade slips, which makes Yang Yueling feel bad, and sends her The remaining items were still cut into two parts, and Yunying insisted on accepting one part.

Yunying was not someone who threw money out of the door when he got rich inside. Seeing Yang Yueling's intentions, he accepted about two thousand spirit stones.

These spiritual stones are all of the wood type, presumably those two people got these many spiritual stones only after they went to a place of water, wood and Qinghua.

Yunying sent all these spirit stones to Fan Lingyuan in the inner mountain of Dantian, and let Cui Zun decide how to use them. These spirit stones will definitely be more useful in his hands than in his own.

After dividing the things, the two immediately put their minds back on inheritance.

Most of the inheritances in the stone forest are carved on the stone pillars, but the characters used to burn them are all kinds of strange and strange, and they are carved on several pillars upside down, so it is not easy to sort them out.

What's more, the inheritance accepted by the two is obviously higher than other inheritances, and there are 32 stone pillars wrapped in the prohibition.The stone pillar was thicker than the two of them hugged, and it was three hundred feet high. It was carved with words that the two didn't understand, and it was impossible to figure out where the first one was.

Fortunately, the two of them had received a part of the inheritance just now, and now they are quite familiar with the ice and fire sword energy permeating in the stone forest, and because of the inheritance, they can understand the unfamiliar characters on the stone forest a little bit.

The part of the inheritance that Yang Yueling accepted was shallower than that of Yunying, so she was not greedy, just grabbed a stone pillar that felt more intimate, and carefully observed the writing on it. A little enlightenment was found in the tortuous text.

The characters on the stone pillars are all in gold ink, but after a long time of comprehension, she could see two traces of one red and one blue from the handwriting.The two lines wandered along themselves, finally separated from the stone pillar, and evolved by themselves in front of her.

The traces they have evolved are too mysterious. Although Yang Yueling is ignorant, he is fascinated by seeing each and every mysterious rune deeply in his heart, and when his cultivation level increases in the future, he will take it out again Do enlightenment.

After some comprehension, Yang Yueling herself didn't know what night it was. When she came back to her senses, she saw that Yunying was twisting the jade slips to write words into it, and the jade slips were scattered all over the ground, obviously she had already finished burning them. of.

Yang Yueling was surprised: "Do you need so many jade slips to burn these words?"

Yunying shook her head: "Not only for recording, but also for translation."

"Translation!" Yang Yueling was dumbfounded, "Could it be, could it be that junior sister can understand these words?"

(End of this chapter)

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