The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 861 The Book Spirit Changes

Chapter 861 The Book Spirit Changes
Will she finally find out the usefulness of this thing?
Yunying thought to herself.

The invisible thing like the spirit of the scroll, I don't know where it came from, and I don't know what its function is. All the monks have always regarded it as a sharpening stone to hone their spiritual knowledge, and they only thought that it disappeared completely after it was integrated into their spiritual knowledge.

However, Yunying is such a careful and sensitive person, and she has such a tight grasp of her spiritual knowledge. She naturally knows that after the spirit of the scroll merged into her spiritual knowledge, it has not disappeared, but is silently waiting for something.

If it can't wait for what it wants, it will eventually disappear, but if it does, then...

So that's the situation right now.

Amid the familiar stinging pain, the souls of the scrolls that had merged into the spiritual consciousness separated from the spiritual consciousness again, and gathered together in one place, condensing into a golden ball of light.

It was only when the golden light dissipated that Yun Ying could see clearly that what was wrapped in it was a half-sparse and half-scroll bamboo slips. When she took shape, the exhaustion caused by burning and translating was swept away, as if her exhausted brain power also disappeared. It surged again.

Yunying was very surprised by this change, but it was a good thing after all, so she stepped up her efforts to burn the 32 stone pillars in one go.

She always concentrates on doing things. She spent five or six days working hard to squeeze countless new spiritual consciousness to exhaustion. I was so tired that I fainted.

Cui Zun was considering whether to use wood energy to replenish her, Yinxue couldn't help asking Cui Zun if she was always so crazy or just this once.

After learning that she had always taken an unusual path and could squeeze herself to death, Yinxue fell silent.

"It's too late for you to repent now, brother!" Cui Zun said with a smile, "And don't worry, she is still counted."

"Is there a count...?" Yinxue raised her head in confusion.

Cui Zun chuckled: "Don't look so miserable on the outside, in fact... In fact, I have gained a lot, but it looks a little dangerous, just get used to it, just get used to it."

Cui Zun also knew that Yunying's appearance at this time was terrifying. In the words of Qin Yao back then, it seemed to be "knocked". When used to describe Geng Jiu's sloppy gait and sunken eyes, Cui Zun felt that using this word to describe Yun Ying at this time was extremely appropriate.

But in fact, Yun Ying is indeed as Cui Zun said, although she is haggard all over, she has gained a lot.

The first is the golden bamboo slips condensed by the spirit of the scroll, Yunying has gradually understood what they are for.

The techniques she transcribed and transcribed were all recorded on the bamboo slips without any mistakes. Although they are not visible at the moment, as long as the mind moves, it will spread out and transform into writing.

In this way, it is like a jade slip hidden in my mind that only I can see, and it is extremely convenient to move and view.

But compared to the jade slip, it must have other advantages, but it is not yet known to Yun Ying.

The only benefit that Yunying knows is that the capacity of this bamboo slip is almost endless.

The low-level jade slips can only store [-] characters, the middle-level jade slips can store [-], and the high-level jade slips can store millions. When you touch the bamboo slips in your mind, you can know that it can be extended and spread infinitely with just a little touch of spiritual sense.

(End of this chapter)

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