The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 865 Drawing Talismans

Yunying also knew that he would guess it, so she didn't deny it, she just smiled and said: "It's a small skill, it's not worth mentioning."

She saved her sister after all, Yu Feiran was still very grateful to her, she didn't intend to ask the bottom line, just smiled and stopped talking.

As soon as Yu Yunzhang and Hua Yang came, their eyes were attracted by the crocodiles tearing up the monster bull, and they didn't pay attention to what they said.After they finished explaining the situation, Sheng Kui re-engraved a copy of the jade slip engraved with the Yin Judgment Array and gave it to Yun Ying, who turned her head and asked, "Who raised this withered scale crocodile?"

"Let's say I raised it." Su Minglang rubbed his nose and said.

Yu Yunzhang immediately said to him: "Senior brother, when the withered scale crocodile changes its scales every year, can you give me the scales that shed off, and I will definitely exchange them with equivalent elixir!"

"What do you want this thing for?"

"The scales of the withered scale crocodile, especially the hardest scale on the back, are good materials for alchemy, and are important auxiliary medicines for fifth-grade quenching body pills and concentration pills. If you don't make alchemy, grind it into powder, and use four Mixed with spirit wine, it can also heal fire poisonous sores, warm and nourish muscles and bones, and strengthen the body..."

Seeing her eloquence, Su Minglang quickly stopped: "Okay, okay, I see, it really is a good medicine. If these guys can really shed, I will definitely send it to my junior sister!"

After this little episode ended, the relationship between the few people got a little closer. Su Minglang and Yun Ying led them to the depths of the underground cave, beside the five-color spirit marrow pool.

Seeing Sheng Kui's arrival, the monks who had been cultivating here before all got up from the pool and surrounded the outside to prevent anyone from stealing the spirit essence after being inspired by the Bai family sisters.

Sheng Kui had received Yunying's jade slips a long time ago, and knowing what he was going to do here, he immediately took out the talisman paper, cinnabar, wolf hair, square inkstone, and paperweight from the storage bag, and a few things floated in front of him, half in shape. A ring surrounds him.

He stood still ten inches away from the Spiritual Marrow Pond, first straightened his clothes, and then took out a clear glass bottle. When he uncorked the bottle and washed his hands, everyone realized that the bottle contained water.

It is the clearest and most crystal-clear snow-capped spiritual water. Before talisman repairing and painting, one often washes one's hands with this spiritual water, not only to wash away the mortal dust on hands, but also to use this ritual to guide one's mind into righteousness and get rid of miscellaneous thoughts.

Talisman cultivators are different from other monks in that the writing of talismans is very complicated and takes a lot of effort, but if there is a mistake, the talisman paper will be scrapped.But the more you care about it, the more likely you will be confused. If your mood fluctuates slightly, the writing may be off by a percentage, so the symbols cannot be compared, so you can only make a piece of waste paper and burn it.

Therefore, Fuxiu pays more attention to the cultivation of his own state of mind than other monks, and often looks for some tips to stabilize his state of mind, so that he can quickly enter the state of selflessness.

Washing hands with snow water is one of the tricks.

This is not entirely a mystery, after washing his hands, Sheng Kui's expression was more solemn and peaceful, and he seemed to have distanced himself from the mundane world like a Gushe god, which was completely different from his usually amiable senior brother.

He stretched out his left hand, took out five talisman papers from a stack, spread them flat in front of him, and took the paperweight with his hand, and pressed the five talisman papers one by one to make them flat.

Bite your fingertips, grind the cinnabar ink with blood, grab the wolf hair, dip it in the red ink carefully, and start writing from the talisman paper on the right hand side.

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