Chapter 867
But Yu Feiran knew that it would be extremely dangerous to forcibly draw high-level talismans in a state of extreme physical and mental exhaustion without using Yiqi Pill to supplement the spirit energy.

If you don't succeed, you will succeed.As long as there is a slight mistake in the drawing process, Sheng Kui will end up in a state of madness.

He felt that Sheng Kui's life was more important than the talisman.

Therefore, he still "suggested" to Sheng Kui many times, but Sheng Kui seemed to be smiling and easy to talk, but he was actually very stubborn in matters related to talismans.Yu Feiran felt that his research on poison pills was already very desperate, and he would try all kinds of poisons on himself first, worrying that his master would lose a lot of white hair and beard.

I didn't expect to see a big brother who was also desperate today, and I felt that I got along well with him for more than ten days, and my mood was very complicated for a while.

But Yu Feiran forgot one thing that can be called human nature, most of the talented monks who have achieved success in cultivation, their own understanding of themselves must be far superior to others.

He dared to disregard the master's dissuasion and test the poison on himself because he knew how much poison his body could resist, but the master was careless, so he was often overly worried.

The current situation is exactly the same, he cares about it and makes chaos, but Sheng Kui himself is very clear about what he can do.

The most important thing about drawing talismans is not the abundance of aura and the delicacy of the pen and ink talisman paper, but the clarity of the heart, being very firm and clear about what one wants to get and what one is willing to give.

This kind of firmness and clarity will evolve the phantom of the talisman in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the time for the phantom to remain in the sea of ​​consciousness depends on the state when the talisman is drawn.

The better the condition, the longer the phantom will last, and vice versa.And in a very special state, which can almost be called the unity of heaven and man, the phantom of the talisman will be permanently recorded in the sea of ​​consciousness, becoming the embryonic form of the talisman.

A sword cultivator has a sword intent, a sword cultivator has a knife gang, a boxing cultivator has a fist shadow, and their talisman cultivators naturally also have a talisman seed.

There is a huge difference in strength between those who have rune seeds and those who do not.One of the most obvious differences is that monks who have condensed the talisman species can use blood as ink to draw aura out of thin air without using talisman paper.

This alone can double the combat power of Fu Xiu.

Therefore, the talisman cultivator's pursuit of the talisman species is no less than the sword cultivator's obsession with the sword intent, and the sword cultivator's obsession with the sword gang.

Different from the appearance of the end of the crossbow that was firmly supported on the outside, Sheng Kui's heart was clear and clear, and he didn't even have the concept of "persistence". He just told himself where to write and smeared the cinnabar on that place.

Every stroke is extremely difficult, and every stroke is trembling, but the phantom in Sheng Kui's sea of ​​consciousness is becoming more and more obvious, and the light is getting heavier and heavier, almost breaking through the sea of ​​consciousness and radiating from the center of his eyebrows.

But it didn't after all, it just kept expanding and growing in the depths of Sheng Kui's sea of ​​consciousness like a wriggling bug.

Sheng Kui put all his energy into knowing the two talismans at home and abroad, one real and one virtual, completely forgetting the pain on his body.

The fourth and fifth talisman papers gradually took shape under such circumstances.

"It's almost done!"

Everyone can't help passing this sentence in their hearts, but everyone dares to say it.Everyone held their breath at the same time, staring at Sheng Kui's trembling hands, wondering whether such an incredible challenge would succeed or fail.

(End of this chapter)

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