Chapter 878 Totem Power
Compared with the two delicate and ancient totems in red ink, this new totem is too rough, but no matter who sees this pattern, they will feel a sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Although it is still very rough, it is a rough jade with a bright future. Compared with the other two totems that have already taken shape, it has infinite possibilities.

And this new totem is exactly the appearance of the balance of yin and yang, the blending of life and death.

Feng Jing also doesn't know whether her unpolished totem can attract Yin Yang Huo, but this is the only safe way to absorb it.

Even if the attributes of Yin-Yang Fire and the other two totems are compatible, Feng Jing doesn't want them to fuse Yin-Yang Fire, because they are just another form of existence of Phoenix Divine Fire and Nine Nether Flames. Let Yin-Yang Fire combine with them and grow stronger. After all, it's not me.

But if the new totem doesn't work, he can only let it belong to the other two totems like he did with Qiongyinghuo before.

When the totem was formed, Feng Jing felt that all her strength was drained, and she was no longer able to control Suzaku's heart fire, so she could only let it move as it wanted.

Fortunately, Suzaku Xinhuo has a good impression of him. Although the strict recognition ceremony has not yet been carried out, he has the intention of advancing and retreating with him, and still leads many different fires to fight to the death.

And after the totem is fully displayed, Feng Jing no longer needs to manipulate it, and she will radiate an invisible force of traction.

The pulling force passed over the dantian and came into the sea of ​​consciousness, wrapping the yin and yang fire of life and death extremely gently.

Both Feng Jing and Suzaku stared at this scene with trepidation. If Yin Yang Huo resisted fiercely, the power of the totem would be vulnerable, and they could only rely on the other two or two totems to accomplish things.

The blue and black flames did dance for a moment, slightly driving away the power of the totem, but soon, it realized that the totem had a power similar to its own, hesitated for a moment, and did not drive away immediately.

This moment of hesitation was caught by Feng Jing, and also by Suzaku's heart fire, it rushed up immediately, the scarlet flame stretched thin and long, entwining the life and death Yin and Yang fire tightly like a snake.

This time, Yin Yang Fire of Life and Death tried to resist, but he couldn't use any strength.

"Come on!" Suzaku's words were accompanied by heavy panting, which showed that she was even more nervous than Feng Jing.

Feng Jing was weak and unable to speak, but she also watched this scene intently.

The power of the totem softly covers the surface of the Yin-Yang Fire of Death and Life, completely enveloping it, and then slowly seeps into the Yin-Yang Fire of Life and Death like water soaking into the sand.

This process was very gentle, and the flame was also busy fighting against Suzaku's heart fire, but it was not very resistant to the invasion like spring breeze and rain.

It was too late when it realized something was wrong. The power of the totem penetrated deep into the heart of the flame, enveloping the most fundamental part. At this time, it could no longer use its strength to resist, and could only absorb the dead energy from the outside world as much as possible. Confront the power of the totem.

Because of the majestic death energy, it is enough to continuously replenish its physical strength, so it is not tense for a while.Who would have thought that within a few quarters of an hour, the dead energy around him would obviously weaken, which made him not in a hurry.

The green and black flames writhed like a python, tossing and turning in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, ignoring Suzaku's encirclement and suppression, burning everything recklessly, trying to get Feng Jing to release herself.But Feng Jing gritted her teeth tightly and stepped up the blockade of the power of the totem, trying not to let it escape from the sea of ​​consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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