The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 881 Incinerate clean

Chapter 881 Incinerate clean
The blue and black rays of light on Feng Jing's body gradually blended and became indistinguishable from each other, and his body gradually became almost transparent in this blending.

At the same time, a colorless raging fire ignited on his body surface, enveloping him completely, burning him into a piece of empty water vapor, only a human figure could be vaguely seen.

Even if it turned into water vapor, Yunying could still see his expression clearly, and vaguely perceive his thoughts.

He is in pain at the moment, but he is also very happy. As long as he has a moment of effort, he can completely complete this transformation.

Because he thought so, Yunying decided to hold on a little longer.

If it is an ordinary person, the final process of being promoted to the Harmony Realm is to go deep into the bone marrow, drive out all the deep-rooted filth in one's body, and use a completely clear and clear body to welcome the washing of the air of heaven and earth, and then squeeze into the dantian spiritual source. Squeeze the aura and condense the spiritual energy.

The word "Yuan" in Rongyuan takes this meaning.

Since Feng Jing is of the Phoenix bloodline, he is naturally not like a mortal or a mortal monster who has unlimited impurities in his body. He does not need to experience the pain of cutting out bones, but has to experience other costs.

"Xue Yu said that what he is doing now is equivalent to a small nirvana. All phoenixes will degenerate into eggs after nirvana. It may take a year or a hundred years. They will re-emerge after recuperating enough." Yinxue told Yunying the news from Suzaku over there.

He could also feel that Suzaku was not feeling well at the moment, and he handed over his heart fire, just like Cui Zun handed over his Mu Xin, which was equivalent to abolishing his hands.Right now, she has no power to protect herself, and completely relies on Feng Jing's wisps of strange fire to keep her heart beating, which is equivalent to sharing life and death with Feng Jing, so she can naturally feel the crisis Feng Jing is facing at this moment.

"Great nirvana is usually natural and there is no danger. Small nirvana is different. This kind of small nirvana born of epiphany is often just a whim, and the spiritual power has not been accumulated enough to support nirvana. Therefore, every small nirvana is equivalent to a small nirvana. Gambling, if you win the gamble, you will reach the sky in one step, if you lose the gamble, you will never recover."

But Feng Jing will win.

With such thoughts in Yun Ying's heart, she couldn't help but look at Feng Jing who was almost invisible in the blood-red field of vision again.

Seeing her looking over, Yinxue knew what she was thinking, and said, "According to Xue Yang, even this little trace has to be incinerated before it can be regarded as the success of Nirvana."

"Even this little trace must be incinerated?" Cui Zun was surprised, "If it is all burned, can there be a way to Nirvana?"

He lived side by side with the Phoenix Clan and knew that they were reborn from the ashes of Nirvana, so according to the current statement, the ashes should be burned away, and where will Nirvana come from after that?
Yunying was also thinking about this question, but her mind started to become chaotic again. The repulsive force of Haidong Secret Realm continued to increase, like a vortex under the sea, deeply squeezing the two caves, and then exerted on her.

Every moment she persisted, she felt that her meridians, blood vessels and even bones were constantly cracking. Even if Cui Zun and the aura in her body kept circulating, they still couldn't stop the blood seeping out from the cracks in her skin, dyeing her scarlet red.

Suddenly, that trace of gray smoke disappeared as expected, and there was only a round bead left in the formless and formless flame. Seeing this, Yunying felt relieved, absorbed the power of the cave, and knelt down on the ground powerlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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