Chapter 884
The soul restraining pill is not a good thing, who would have this thing in the hands of a decent monk!

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yu Feiran noticed Su Minglang's gaze, and looked back dissatisfiedly, "If there is a powerful and unparalleled boxing technique in front of you, wouldn't you want to refer to it?"

Su Minglang nodded at first, but soon came back to his senses: "If it's the Demon Palace, then I will definitely not touch it!"

"Let's talk about it when you actually meet!" Yu Feiran obviously didn't believe it, sneered and didn't say any more, just threw the improved version of the soul-restraining pill in his hand to the foggy man.

The next moment, Su Minglang couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The fog giant, which was originally as tall and majestic as a mountain peak, was smoothly absorbed into the soul restraining pill as if flowing water into a furnace.

"It's really useful!" Seeing this, Yu Feiran heaved a sigh of relief, raised his hand slightly to take back the Soul-Restraining Pill, twisted it and looked at it seriously, "Unfortunately, I can only pretend to be this one."

He took out a few black pills from the storage bag, mixed them with other kinds of spirit herbs, kneaded them casually, and made the dark green pill that Su Minglang saw just now.

Throw the pills to the feet of several fog giants, and collect them in the same way.

By this time, the other fog giants had also begun to sense that something was wrong.They are quite dull, and they can't feel anything without a companion, but they can still feel with half of the people missing.

It's just that although I felt it, I couldn't know who was responsible for it at this time, so I could only look around in horror.

Seeing how stupid they are, Su Minglang smiles wryly in his heart, but the stupid things are so powerful, they can really drop ten times with one force, almost crippling himself.

Taking advantage of their confusion, Yu Feiran quickly squeezed the last few soul restraining pills and put them away as well.Such a dangerous fog man is as easy as a child piles rocks in his hands.

Even if he was a little afraid of his reckless behavior that dared to touch the soul-detaining pill, Su Minglang also had to admit that this person was just a natural master of alchemy.

I wanted to ask him what the improved version of the Soul Containing Pill was used for, but from the corner of the eye, I caught a glimpse of Yun Ying falling heavily on the ground in the pavilion. Su Minglang lost interest in asking questions in an instant, and hurried to the Qingyu Pavilion, helped him up. Yunying was covered in blood and dying.

Yu Feiran also followed, and seeing Yunying's miserable appearance, he gave Su Minglang a snow-white pill: "This is a solid pill, it can heal many traumas, take it for her quickly, it can save her collapsing inner body." world."

Su Minglang immediately fed the elixir to Yunying, and when the many small wounds on Yunying's body stopped bleeding and gradually healed, he came back to his senses and thanked Yu Feiran solemnly.

Yu Feiran smiled and said: "Junior Sister Yun has saved my sister's life, and it is right to help her. You don't need to come here to thank me so seriously."

Having said that, he did not evade, and accepted Su Minglang's bow very calmly.

After Su Minglang finished bowing, he left the Qingyu Pavilion, came to Hua Yang who had completely turned into stone, patted on the Niwan acupoint of knowing people, and said: "It's all right now, let's change back."

After Hua Yang is completely turned into a stone, he can withstand almost all heavy blows in the world, but the disadvantage is that he knows nothing about the outside world during the petrification period. If no one pats his Niwan point to wake it up, he will remain in this state forever, even Completely turned into a stone man, never turning back again.

(End of this chapter)

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