Chapter 904
Seeing this, Sui Shan rushed to the hospital bed, grabbed Chu Cui's hand, and held her firmly.

"It's me, I'm back, Cuicui!"

Sui Shan said to her in surprise, then turned to Yunying and asked, "Junior Sister, can you take Qingluan's heart out?"

Following his words, Chu Cui slowly raised her head and looked at the people behind Sui Shan.

The three of Yunying also saw Chu Cui's appearance clearly, and saw that her eyes were like rippling autumn water, and her eyebrows were as distant as Dai's.

Such beauty, such temperament, naturally makes people unable to move their eyes away.

The three of them paid attention to Chu Cui, and Chu Cui naturally also paid attention to the three of them. Seeing that the three of them were all handsome and extraordinary, especially Feng Jing, whose appearance was as picturesque as a picture, he could not help but be slightly taken aback.

But immediately, she noticed Yun Ying's gaze towards her, shivered slightly, and looked more seriously at this female cultivator who hadn't taken it to heart just now.

She is still between a girl and a young girl, she has just revealed her slim figure, her appearance is elegant and clear, like a clear cold spring.

But the light in this female cultivator's eyes made people find it difficult to resist, as if in front of her, he had no secrets to hide.

Chu Cui's heart moved slightly, and she couldn't help coughing.

Seeing that she was coughing like this, Sui Shan quickly calmed her down and asked cautiously, "What's the matter? Has the fire poison flared up again?"

Chu Cui wanted to speak, but as soon as he opened his mouth, a few traces of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, Sui Shan became anxious, and hurriedly shouted to Yun Ying: "Junior Sister!"

Without waiting for him to speak, Yunying took out the ice jade box from the storage bag, and said calmly: "Qingluan's heart is here, maybe it can slightly restrain the fire poison on Senior Sister Chu's body."

Chu Cui raised her head in disbelief, looked at the box in Yunying's hand, her eyes kept flickering, and after a while, her eyes were filled with tears, and she held Sui Shan's hand tightly: "Ah Shan, you really found this thing, how can I, how should I repay you!"

Sui Shan hugged her and said with a smile: "We're going to be husband and wife, we don't want to reciprocate what we say."

Yun Ying held the box and stepped forward: "How can I use this thing to help Senior Sister? Take her out directly?"

When she spoke, her star-like eyes shot out a captivating look, which made Chu Cui instinctively feel the danger.

Chu Cui reluctantly stretched out her hands, her sleeves dropped slightly, revealing her slender wrists: "Please show me the box, Junior Sister."

Yun Ying passed the box, and when the two handed over, everyone felt as if a silver light flashed in front of their eyes, and they couldn't see the surrounding situation clearly for a moment.

Immediately they heard a bang, and someone fell to the ground.

Recovering their vision again, Sui Shan and Sheng Kui were surprised to see Chu Cui fall to the ground, half of her body was frozen by frost, and Yunying stood in front of her, sticking the Broken Frost Knife to her neck.

"How is it possible?" Chu Cui's eyes were full of disbelief.

"I felt a bit of space fluctuation at the foot of the mountain. After walking in, I felt more obviously that there was a space fluctuation on your body. You just teleported here from another place."

Yunying said lightly: "So I set a prohibition talisman on the box to counteract all space power. With this box, you cannot teleport through space."

Feng Jing added with a smile: "So you must have pulled off the restraining talisman in a panic just now. But you didn't expect that the cold air gathered in Qingluan's heart was inside this box, not Qingluan's heart. If you opened it unexpectedly, you would only be frozen."

(End of this chapter)

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