Chapter 906
As soon as these words came out, both Sheng Kui and Sui Shan were taken aback.

Feng Jing didn't find it strange, she also deduced this point just now.

He is a phoenix, and his sensitivity to different fires is much stronger than Yunying's. He doesn't need to look specifically, he can also feel a ray of burning flames in Chu Cui's heart, and he can even sense the contract between this ray of burning flames and Chu Cui associated.

The Burning Flame is a fire of the wood attribute, except for the monks of the fire attribute, only a small number of special magic bodies can conclude contracts with it.

The sixth-grade Shuimu Qingse dharma body is one of them.

Chu Cui naturally denied it again and again, she forced a smile and said: "Fellow Daoist is really good at joking, if I am really Qingse Dharma Body, I will not be tortured by fire and poison to burn my body."

Yun Ying didn't care about her words at all, and only said to Feng Jing: "Can you eliminate the different fire contract on her?"

Feng Jing thought for a while, then nodded: "If she didn't hide more than [-]% of her strength, I should be able to do it."

As soon as this remark came out, Chu Cui's face changed drastically.

"You, who are you?"

Naturally, Feng Jing didn't answer, but just kept Sui Shan away from Chu Cui.

Sui Shan is still in disbelief: "Cui Cui can't be such a person, are you making a mistake? Did Junior Brother Zhuo help Cui Cui take out the purple hair of the strange fire? If so, please help, Qingluan's heart is not good It’s okay to give it to us.”

He spoke incoherently, Gein's mind was really confused.

He vaguely realized that everything might be a scam, but he couldn't believe that his lover, who had always been heroic and seemed to be made in heaven with him, would be a deliberate liar.

He even felt that it didn't matter even if he was a liar. Anyway, Chu Cui got nothing right now. If he could solve the fire poison without using Qingluan's heart, that would be a good result...

All kinds of thoughts intertwined in his mind, making him dizzy, and he could hardly think of an idea.

Feng Jing was still very gentle towards Sui Shan, he smiled slightly: "Senior brother Sui, don't worry, I just want to take the burning flames from my senior sister."

As he said that, he raised his hand, and a phoenix-shaped fire shot out from his palm, directly into Chu Cui's heart.

Chu Cui screamed, feeling that the fire light enveloped Zhuofenyan, and was slowly dissolving the contract between herself and Zhuofenyan.Although the melting speed is very slow, as long as it continues to burn, sooner or later he will lose the burning flame!
She clutched her chest in horror, trying to mobilize her spiritual power, but the cold air condensed in Qingluan's heart was too severe, and it also carried the chilling air accumulated in the White Jade Cave for thousands of years, this cold air enveloped her from top to bottom, It made her unable to move at all, and she couldn't even mobilize a trace of spiritual power!
Chu Cui really panicked this time, and no longer cared about maintaining her image, she grabbed Sui Shan and shouted, "Sui Shan, are you a dead man! Your fiancée suffered such humiliation, did you just watch!"

Yunying heard her words in a completely different tone from just now, and said with a smile: "Finally you don't pretend anymore."

Sui Shan looked at everything in front of him without knowing why.

He really couldn't understand why all of a sudden, his lover became a liar, and the Taoist friend who was invited to help his lover became the person who sanctioned his lover.

He really couldn't think through such a complicated matter, so he could only ask Chu Cui: "Cui Cui, what exactly do you want to do, you tell us! If you tell us, everyone will have no secrets, and Junior Brother Zhuo won't do anything." !"

(End of this chapter)

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