Yun Ying's question is also often asked by many laymen. Sheng Kui was not at all surprised that she would ask such a question, and replied with a smile: "It may not be good if it can be used repeatedly."

As he spoke, he made an analogy: "For example, my junior sister's Dao Gang, it is said that if you practice with a sword for a long time, you will have a better chance of finding an opportunity and comprehending the tricks of the Dao Gang, but few monks only use it when laying the foundation. A knife, why is that?"

Yunying replied: "It's also because if you only use one knife, then the moves you have practiced are easily restricted by this knife, and it is difficult to expand. Therefore, it is best to use several different ones when connecting the basic skills. Everyone is familiar with swords, so that the sword skills practiced in this way will not be affected by weapons, but pure and impartial moves."

Speaking of this, it became clear why Fu Xiu didn't often use silk talismans.

Sheng Kui said with a smile: "We also have the same reasoning. When laying the foundation, we must not form the habit of relying on silk talismans. Draw dozens of pieces and rely on them for self-protection when traveling. It is necessary to practice diligently on the talisman paper. The simpler the talisman paper, the less there is any interference in drawing, and the more it will help monks realize the true meaning of the rune."

When they said this, the three of them happened to walk to a small stall selling talismans.

These silk talismans are all woven from the silk and grass of Binglinghua, which is extremely thin and thin.The stall owner rolled them into a ruler like the cloth of the ordinary world, and arranged them on the stall. At first glance, it looks like a row of white satin like ice silk, which is very bright and pleasing to the eye.

Yunying used to do weaving work in the Qin family, so it can be seen at a glance that the silk and grass nets are indeed very thin.In the past when she was in the Qin family, the thinnest silk thread she ever wove was five-element silk, which was as thick as a human hair.

At that time, she hadn't stepped into the road of cultivating immortals, let alone developed the power of Xuanrong, so she could only place the thread on the loom with her naked eyes in the dim candlelight. In the beginning, she was always prone to omissions, which attracted Li Shi to fight. .Later, with extra attention and practice making perfect, I gradually got rid of the situation of being beaten.

The five-element silk is as thick as a human hair, but these filaments and grass network are much thinner than human hair, almost invisible to the naked eye.

The cloth woven with such silk threads is naturally extraordinarily thin and soft. When fingers brush over it, it seems that what they touch is not cloth, but soft and cool water.

Yun Ying had a whim, and asked Sheng Kui, "If instead of drawing runes on it, but embroidering runes with various spirit silk, will the power of runes decline even more slowly?"

It wasn't until she finished speaking that she realized she had asked a stupid question.

Embroidering runes on cloth, isn't that the meaning of making vestments?

The service life of the cassock is naturally much longer than the talisman paper.

Feng Jing laughed, obviously amused by her sudden stupid question.

Sheng Kui nodded, keeping a smile on his lips.

This little junior sister, when Lang Xiu was interrogated just now, he was like Hell Hell. He thought that she was born with such a domineering attitude.

Yun Ying glared at Feng Jing, then looked at the ice flower talisman, and asked Sheng Kui: "This talisman is made of ice spiritual flowers, I think there will be attribute restrictions when drawing talismans. Bar."

"Yes, but it's not that serious." Sheng Kui smiled and pointed to the people next to him who picked up the silk talisman in twos and threes, "Otherwise, everyone wouldn't be so eager to buy it." (End of this chapter)

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