The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 923 Ultimate Anti-kill

As soon as Yinxue finished yelling this sentence, the three flood dragons had fully charged, lowered their heads suddenly, and sprayed three balls of light towards her.

Those three purple electric light balls are as powerful as a bamboo, and they will completely envelop Yunying in the blink of an eye, turning them into scorched flesh!

In a hurry, Yunying didn't use the most powerful water and fire Hunyuan Splitting Sky Saber Technique among known saber techniques, but followed her heart to use the Moon Breaking Saber Technique.

The sword technique she practiced first, the most familiar, the deepest understanding, and the foundation of all achievements!
A little bit of silver light flashed on the Broken Frost Knife, and it instantly turned into a huge full moon, protecting Yunying around.

After a while, the three purple light balls turned the full moon into a solid one.

The ball of light crackled and crackled, Yun Ying only felt that the image of the full moon seemed to be a weak glass cover, which became more and more fragile under Zidian's attack, and was about to shatter in an instant.

She gritted her teeth and persisted, with sweat dripping from her forehead, and all the torrent-like spiritual energy transformed into this full moon through the Frost Breaker, repairing the cracks that were split by the purple lightning.

After tinkering, I took a few more breaths.

But after all, it was too far away, the three-headed flood dragon rushed down, and swept its tail at Yunying fiercely, immediately smashing the full moon shield, Yunying only felt a huge force hit her aura The operation was interrupted for a moment, and the body was involuntarily beaten and flew out.

The unstoppable purple current flowed through every inch of her body, making her feel that her meridians were cut off, and her skin also showed burn marks everywhere.

The corner of the mouth was dripping with blood, Yun Ying couldn't help but smile bitterly.

After cultivating like a devil in the trial hall, she is rarely in such a mess again, and this is really a long-lost experience right now.

Cui Zun and Yang Bo shot together, the injuries in her body were half healed in an instant, Yun Ying wrote about the two of them, once again clenched the Broken Frost Knife.

The Broken Frost Knife has been used by her for so many years and has been nourished by her aura for a long time, and its appearance is much better than when it was first held in her hands.

But even so, it is just an ordinary weapon. When Yun Ying fought against the ice and fire knife gang in Haidong's secret territory, many cracks appeared.Now it was hit by three Jiao Jiao again, and the crack was even bigger.

Yun Ying knew that if the impact just now happened a few more times, both the man and the knife would be scrapped here, but she didn't have any fear in her heart, instead she felt a faint excitement.

This kind of excitement has happened before, and the most vivid time was when he possessed his father and fought against the killer of Xuanming Palace for him.

At that time, she really felt dissatisfied with everything her father had experienced, and really wanted to go against the sky and seek justice for her father.

Facing this three-headed flood dragon who came from nowhere but was very hostile, her feeling was almost the same as that at that time.

She will never die here!
Like her father, she will overcome obstacles and walk out of her own way!

All the thoughts flashed in the blink of an eye. Seeing that Yunying was safe and sound, the three Jiaojiao raised their heads again to gather the light balls.

This time she did not use the Water and Fire Hunyuan Splitting Sky Saber Technique, nor the Moon Breaking Saber Technique, but the Thundering Thunder Saber Technique that was not commonly used before.

All three of Cui Zun were surprised and did not understand why she would do this.

However, Yunying just slashed out the three sabers, and then controlled the sword's intention to retreat quickly.

The light of the knife collided with the final ball of light of the three-headed dragon, and a strange thing happened. The ball of light exploded at the end of the three-headed dragon in an instant. Just like Yun Ying, blood oozes out continuously. (end of this chapter)

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