Chapter 925 Unbelievable
The three Jiaojiao were blown up twice in succession, leaving their heads covered with blood and their heads muddled.

But even so, it still didn't expect to turn around, and still chased Yunying to condense the purple electric light ball.

Yun Ying naturally came back again, continued to detonate the light ball, and then exploded it.

Cui Zun was amused by the stupidity of this thing: "Who releases such a thing to hunt down Ah Ying, isn't it too self-indulgent!"

Yinxue couldn't help but said: "Don't be complacent, don't forget how Yunying was beaten by 'this thing' just now when she was not in a hurry to get wise!"

Cui Zun paused for a moment, then straightened his waist and said: "What's the matter, Ah Ying's quick wit is what Ah Ying is capable of! Why can't I be complacent!"

The two bickered, but Yangbo only concentrated on healing Yunying with his wood energy.

The lotus seeds she gave Yunying before were her own Mu Xin, and her cultivation level was much higher than Cui Zun's. Even if she was far away from her own body, she could still use a steady stream of wood energy to heal Yunying.

Originally, Yangbo was worried that even if it was a healing item, the level difference was too large, and it might bring a burden to Yunying.

But after helping to heal her wounds for a while, she was surprised to find that there was an extremely mysterious power in Yunying's body, which could transform all the Qi of heaven and earth into the Qi of Primal Chaos.

Is this the power of Xuanrong?

Thinking in her heart, she increased her Wood Qi, but was surprised to find that there is almost no limit to the transformation of Xuanrong's power, no matter how much Yun Ying can eat.

An idea popped up in Yangbo's mind, he wanted to talk to Cui Zun and Yin Xue, but the two were arguing fiercely, there was no room for her to wipe their mouths, so she had to talk to Yun Ying who was focused on running away.

"Ah Ying, I used too much wood qi to heal my wounds just now, you absorbed it all at once, won't you be able to restrain it?"

Yunying shook her head: "It's okay."

She immediately sensed something in Yangbo's words, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Seeing her, Yangbo guessed that he had other thoughts at once, and he was slightly ashamed, then paused and said: "I think you can practice Thunderbolt Saber Technique, you must have absorbed some kind of lightning element, if my wood energy can pass through various Wood belongs to the spiritual source and transforms it into the Qi of Primal Chaos, so can the purple electricity of the three-headed dragon be used by you as well?"

Yunying looked back at the three-headed Jiao who were chasing after him, but still couldn't turn the corner, nodded and said, "It's not impossible, but I don't have a chance to experiment right now."

As he said that, he swung the thunderbolt again, detonating the purple light balls of the three dragons.

She and the three-headed Jiao were both above the sky at this time, and the monks below were eager to flee at first, and did not notice the battle in the sky.

But soon, because of the three-headed flood dragon flying high, Yun Ying also disguised himself to prevent the avalanche from becoming more violent. Many people had the time to look at the sky while protecting themselves.

Seeing this, they couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"I, I'm dazzled? That, that monk...isn't it a mortal realm?"

Many monks rubbed their eyes and asked the people around them in disbelief. After confirming that it was a mortal realm monk who flew up inexplicably, they were all surprised from ear to ear.

Feng Jing dragged Sui Shan, who was in a daze, and ran out of the ice cave protecting Sheng Kui, who had only [-]% of his normal combat power, and was anxious to help Yun Ying, but was also stunned when he looked up.

It seems... It seems that the three-headed dragon has suffered a lot!
For a moment, Feng Jing didn't know what emotion should be better.

(End of this chapter)

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