The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 929 Surprise victory

Chapter 929 Surprise victory
There were wolves in the front and tigers in the back, so Feng Jing thought of an adventurous way, twitched the hand formula, and the whole body was burned with raging flames, and her body seemed to be as light as a flame.

Once this secret skill is used, it can only be maintained for three moments. If the timing is not found, it may be really dead without a whole body.

However, if you don’t take a gamble, how will you know whether you won or not.

Ah Ying can always win the bet, and he can't win without reason!
Thinking about it, Feng Jing pointed at the heads of the three dragons, lit a wisp of thin flame there, and then rushed towards the mouths of the three dragons like a meteor chasing the moon.

In just a split second, he rushed to the huge Shekou, and the countless gray glue behind him chased after him like arrows.

In the second instant, the Shekou hadn't closed yet, and the gray glue arrow was about to pierce through him, Feng Jing immediately made a tactic, and his figure disappeared out of thin air, and the next moment, his figure appeared above the heads of the three Jiao Jiaos.

And the central heads of the three Jiaojiao have been pierced by the menacing gray glue arrows.

Gray glue can corrode everything, and no one knows this better than Feng Jing. Although the three-headed dragon was only shot through one head, in fact, the power of corrosion will continue to spread, completely swallowing this three-headed dragon .

Before Feng Jing could rejoice over the success of her scheme, her body involuntarily fell towards the ground.

Although this secret technique only lasts for three moments, its effect is to turn the body into fire and disappear, so it consumes a lot of spiritual power, almost draining his spiritual power completely.

Fortunately, when she fell halfway, she was helped by someone, and Feng Jing was held by the skirt of her clothes, so she could only look up.

Sure enough, it was Yunying—there was no other person here.

Yunying lowered her head and asked him: "Is it enough to give you three breaths? I still want to go up and extract its memory while the three-headed dragon is not completely corroded."

Feng Jing knew it was a matter of business, so of course she nodded.

Yun Ying said: "After three more breaths, I will let go, and you can fly by yourself."

After three breaths, she really let go of her hand, and Feng Jing really recovered a bit of spiritual power, able to support herself to fall slowly.

Yunying continued to climb higher and came to the edge of the dying three-headed dragon that had been corroded by the glue.

Each head is as big as three Yunyings, but the one in the center has been corroded to the point of rotten skin and flesh, and its two eyes have completely turned into pus, and it keeps falling down and rotten with the violent struggle of the three flood dragons. Flesh pus and blood.

"The gray glue actually has such a great power. It does look similar to the gray fog in the previous war."

Although the three-headed Jiao described it as miserable, Yunying showed no mercy at all.

If he hadn't suddenly forced out this big killer, he would have been thousands of times more miserable than him who was being devoured right now.

She just stretched out her hands, probing the power of Xuan Rong towards the intact heads on both sides, hoping to extract the memories she wanted from them.

After all, the glue was squeezed out of her body, and even though it already existed independently of her, it still had some affection for her.After seeing Yun Ying, they all moved towards her and surrounded her.

While extracting the memories, Yun Ying took out a jade box and put them in.

This time, a lot of gray glue was squeezed out, and all the gray glue in her limbs and bones was directly expelled.

If she didn't feel that the timing was wrong, she couldn't be promoted rashly, and too much glue would be dangerous. I'm afraid that now she really wants to break through the Yuan Yuan Realm in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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