This was really beyond Yunying's expectation, she asked in amazement: "Can the beast-monitoring card be taken in from such a distance?"

"No, but the contract between me and the Yanling Bird is different from other people's."

Feng Jing blinked at Yun Ying: "I am a demon cultivator, so what it signed with me is a contract between demon cultivators."

Yunying understood what he meant.

Monster beasts are strong by nature, and are willing to pay any price in pursuit of strong power.

Although Feng Jing is not more powerful than the Yanling bird, he is the most extraordinary phoenix among all the fire monsters, and he can naturally command thousands of birds.Surrendering now is equivalent to earning a point of "Dragon Merit" for himself, so when he saw Feng Jing for the first time, he decided to surrender.

It surrendered as a monster, and Feng Jing accepted it as a demon cultivator. The contract signed by the two has the magic of the human-monster contract and the demon king's contract.

It is one of the wonderful points of this contract that Yan Lingniao can be included in the beast card at once from such a long distance.

Now the phantom is disguised, and the shadow that flashes across the sky so high will definitely be seen by all monks.

This phantom disappeared in the sky over Butterfly Valley, and it matched the two people's words. Even if the three Jiaojiao were not found in the pool afterwards, they didn't need any explanation.

Yun Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and then a strange picture flashed in his mind.

That was sent back by Thousand Snow Bat.

It has already groped to the edge of the deep pool, and saw some sights that ordinary people cannot see with naked eyes.

Qian Xuebat's eyes are the same as those of the three-headed flood dragon, with almost no vision.

To make up for this shortcoming, its spiritual sense is more sensitive than ordinary monsters and monsters cultivated by ordinary people.

Even though the deep pool in the center of Butterfly Valley is thousands of feet deep, it still let its spiritual consciousness go straight to the bottom of the pool smoothly.

However, the bottom of the pool is not sand and silt, but a torn spatial fissure.

After Qian Xuebat's spiritual consciousness penetrated into it, it was immediately strangled by the violent space turbulence, but only that moment was enough for Qian Xuebat's spiritual consciousness to see the situation clearly.

With her eyes, Yunying naturally saw more clearly.

She saw that there was a small grain of dust in it.

Seeing her pale face, Feng Jing asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Yunying said slowly: "Qian Xuebat discovered the secret of that deep pool."

She told Feng Jing all about the scene just now. After Feng Jing heard it, she was silent for a long time before trying to ask: "That grain of dust...could it be..."

Yunying nodded: "I think, it's the dirt and sand that devours the empty knife!"

In the Baiyu Cave, Sui Shan told them that he once saw a mural in the Dixian Cave in the Ziyue Deep Pool, which said that there was an ancient murderous knife named Killing God.

And this God Killing Knife is a combination of six magic knives.

Among the six magic knives, four were missing, but the Xuesha Knife was in Yunying's dantian at the moment, blocked by Feng Jing's fire net and unable to move.

The Void Biting Knife can be divided into four grains of dust, earth, fire, feng shui, among which the fire sand has been sealed by Yunying Fengjing with ten thousand years of ice.

Now there is another grain of dust that is very similar to fire sand, and the terrain of this place is so weird, so it is self-evident what this grain of dust is.

"Who put the ground sand here? Why is it that the bottom of the pool is obviously a space crack, but there is no sense of space-time instability here?"

Feng Jing was very puzzled.

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