After returning to the inn to rest for one night, another person from the city lord's mansion came the next day and handed over the things the city lord had rewarded to Yunying.

Yunying was slightly stunned and said: "What kind of good deeds did my disciples do outside, naturally they will be rewarded by the sect, why bother the city lord to spend so much money for me."

The attendant who came to deliver the things was still very young. Seeing that Yunying was just a little girl, he smiled and explained: "Junior Sister doesn't know yet, our Zisai City is in a very bad location, surrounded by fields or ice valleys, all of which are vast It is difficult to govern in a place of bitter cold. However, no matter what happens in the surrounding area, it is a thankless task to hold the city lord accountable."

"Such terrifying magma emerges from the Yingchuan Ice Valley. Without the help of my junior sister, at least half of these people would be killed or injured. This is really an extremely serious problem. The city owner will most likely be punished! Let this matter develop to that point, of course the city lord should be grateful to junior sister."

Yunying smiled and said: "It's too polite to say thank you, but I think if I don't accept this gift, the city lord won't be relieved. Please go back and tell the city lord, brother, anyone who encounters this will do the same, so don't look too high I."

The attendant only said that she was too modest and counted the things for Yunying to accept, and then left.

This gift is really not cheap, but for the city lord, it is also appropriate for Yunying to take it.

There are also ranks between cities. Big cities like Anzhou City and Qinzhou City are counted as first-class cities, and the city owners can be compared with those of the big sects.And a small city like Longnan City can only be regarded as a fifth-class city, and there is no special city lord's mansion, but the city lord of a nearby third-class city is under the jurisdiction.

Zisai City is a third-class city that is neither high nor low.

In terms of status, it can only be compared with the head of the small sect, who has to go to the nearest Xuanzhou city to report on his work every ten years.As far as work is concerned, the vast plains and jagged ice valleys of tens of thousands of square meters around him are all his territory, and besides work, the responsibility is also on his head.

Think about it and know how difficult this position is.

Yingchuan Ice Valley is with him, it is indeed no small matter.

Thinking about it this way, Yun Ying doesn't feel ashamed of receiving it.

Yunying just saw that there were five hundred knives of fine talisman paper in it, so she knew that the city lord specially prepared it for Sheng Kui at this time, and gave him directly to Sheng Kui.

Sheng Kui laughed and said, "Why do I have a share too?"

He won't be so stupid that he doesn't understand the reason. The volcano erupted yesterday, and what he did was actually very limited. It was nothing more than helping to maintain order, and it didn't count as any credit.

If it wasn't for Yun Ying who made such a special mention for him, I'm afraid no monk would think of him.

And Yunying did this obviously because she felt indebted.

After all, if he hadn't brought him to Yingchuan Ice Valley, he might not have been trapped here.

Sheng Kui thought clearly, and smiled at Yun Ying: "Junior Sister is really too careful, I voluntarily followed you here, thinking that I have a companion on the way, so that those casual cultivators will not see me as weak, and make crooked ideas I came to this Yingchuan Ice Valley because I wanted to watch the fun. If my junior sister had to take this matter on me, I would be embarrassed, as if I insisted on following and caused a lot of trouble for my junior sister. "

Yun Ying shook her head and said: "What did you say, brother, the responsibility for this matter is not you and me, but someone else. I do feel a little guilty, but I gave these things to brother because I really paid a lot."

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