Sheng Kui's words are definitely not wanton exaggeration, Yunying has seen a few talisman cultivators who have not condensed talisman seeds in the sect, life is very difficult, all his monthly accounts are spent, and he owes a lot of foreign debts.

The second senior brother Mo Feiying knew a downcast Fuxiu who lived a miserable life, far less wanton than Sheng Kui.

It can be seen that together with Fuxiu, wealth and money are indispensable if one wants to get ahead.

But having said that, is there any Taoism that can be easily cultivated?

Swordsmen and swordsmen have to sharpen their swords, lawmen have to practice spells diligently, and bodymen have to work hard. Every step is very difficult.

In contrast, she has a profound body of magic that embraces all rivers and rivers, and her own talent is quite extraordinary. Although she experienced a lot of suffering when she was young, as long as she has the opportunity, she will immediately soar into the sky.

Already lucky.

Thinking of this, the depression that had been accumulated in Yunying's heart dissipated a little.

She is a sensitive and thoughtful person by nature, and she has experienced many years of humiliation by Li Shi and Qin Linger, and there is always a sense of resentment in her heart.

Later, when I went to Mingyue Sect, apart from Liu Changqing and the sisters of the Bai family, everyone I saw treated her well, and I wish the old pharmacist cared and took care of her like a grandfather, so the unhappiness dissipated somewhat.

Later, after being in love with Feng Jing, he traveled with a senior brother like Su Minglang who lived up to his name, and under his unconscious influence, he dissipated some of his hostility.

Now she is actually much more beautiful than when she first started.

Now, the last bit of self-pity is gradually dissipating.

One year is wide, and after no longer being entangled in the previous resentment, looking at the world again, I only feel that the sky is clear and the mountains and forests are quiet. It is really a good world and a good mountain.

Continuing to walk up the mountain, the stalls on both sides no longer only sell talisman paper, but also sell many pens and inks.

These are also necessary things for drawing talismans, Sheng Kui bought them all by himself, and he did not forget to explain the mystery of these materials to Yun Ying.

The poisonous sac taken from the fire spider, the dried and ground powder of the ghost vine fruit... all kinds of unexpected materials can be the ink of the talisman drawing talisman.

Yun Ying only felt her eyes widened, and her eyes scanned the dazzling array of goods at the stall, and suddenly, she fixed her eyes and looked forward.

Among the bustling crowd, there was a familiar figure.

To be precise, they were two familiar figures.

In fact, one was Cen Shuyue, whom she found to have a demon seed at the martial arts meeting, and the other one, which she had never seen in person, had attached to her during Yinxue's test.

Yunying remembered that her name was Cen Shuying, and she was a primary school student in another world.

Since she will appear in Yinxue's test, it means that Cen Shuying and her will have a very close relationship.

But what kind of relationship is so close?
Yunying was very curious in her heart, so she couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

The girl looked similar to what she had seen in the illusion test, but her face was paler and her figure was thinner.


Yunying sized up the girl with the power of Xuanrong without any trace.

Sure enough, she also has magic energy in her body!

But this demonic energy was different from Cen Shuyue's demonic species, it emanated from the girl's bone marrow.

Take a closer look, the lavender magic energy and the light gold aura are intertwined, they fight each other regardless of each other, and neither of them obeys the other.

Such an effect cannot be caused by the invasion of magic energy at all.

This girl is the same body of spirit and demon!

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